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The Circuit Breakers share a common vision, working together to create music that is at once familiar and original. We don't view our repetoire as "cover songs" or original songs, we choose material because we have a passion for the songs. Tom' Linden's covers of Jimi Hendrix's Red House, the classic House of the Rsing Son or Summetime are both emotional and unique. Fred Bredfry provides guitar backing, while adding the orginal songs Mona, Loving Tree and Gypsy Queen. George Bechtus anchors the band with his thumping base lines, while Hondo brings his cosmic zen drumming that allows the band to move in directions that help us define our original sound. The Circuit Breakers are: "Too Calm " Tom Linden-Guitars and Vocals George Bechtus-Bass Fred Bredfry- Guitar and Vocals John "Hondo" Weisbrod John Risotto-Guitars, Vocals, Harmonica, Mandolin