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The history of medieval England was a mass of contradiction. Lords and ladies, beautiful poetry and music, courtly love, knights pledged to a code of honor and an intense spirituality set against the dire poverty of serfs trapped in a feudal system. They were also times of greed cruelty and violence, magic murder and mayhem. Christian and Pagan. Light and dark. Music and poetry was very important then and the minstrel was considered an essential member of the court.His music was a way of telling myths and legend in a way that would capture the people's imagination. Serundal are 21st century minstrels! This album is a melting pot. A potion of flute, strings, pipes, electric guitar, and keyboards. Every legend is well researched and respectfully interpreted, every word of the lyrics chosen carefully. When you buy this album be prepared to step over the threshold into another time, a time when the world was surrounded by a shroud of mystery. Follow the story of King Arthur from his birth, to his final battle and his death. Learn how the apprentice Merlin became a fully fledged wizard. And finally, travel to the otherworld, to the mystical shores of Annwn.