THIRD OF NEVER is Jon Dawson, Kurt Reil, and Vince Grogan.

Third Of Never is rock and roll with a few curveballs thrown in to keep it interesting. Made up of a self taught guitarist from North Carolina, and two legendary musicians from New Jersey, the best of all things cool and true flows out of the speakers. Think The Who fused through Coldplay.

Kurt Reil hails from New Jersey, home of the
legendary GRIP WEEDS. Along with his GRIP WEED
duties, Kurt is also a member of Jim Babjak's Buzzed
Meg, which also features Jim's Smithereens
bandmate Dennis Diken, and our own Vince "how
about no" Grogan. Kurt is also the captain of the
House Of Vibes studio, or as we like to call it, our
happy place.

Vince Grogan has been playing bass in a variety of
outfits for almost 20 years. First with the Phantom
Five and Exploding Man and later on with Gigantic
and brother CJ Grogan. Through the years he has
continued to play and record for a


This Artist has 1 Album
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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