Wayne Savant is an underground rapper from Dallas, Texas. He brings insane rhyming skills and substance to the flow.
stuff revolutions are made of
Was it their fluidity or their confidence? He didn't know for sure. What he did know was set in stone; he wanted to be there. In the circle, in the cipher. In this vocal-induced environment, things that caused hate in the "real world" didn't matter. Things like race, culture, income, crimes committed, labels, stereotypes, things like this didn't matter. All that mattered was if you could flow. Sometimes even this, which to an outsider would seem like a prerequisite, didn't matter either. What really mattered was who you were. Be yourself. Be real or don't involve yourself with this group. Yes this, this is what really drew him to the cipher. A boy who, for his whole life, was told he would end up in prison with his dad. Wasn't allowed to play in little league or wear Nikes like the other kids. Wasn't allowed to blossom or discover who he was. As he stared from that jail cell window he realized that the cipher is who he knew he was. A kid who never understood where his place in the world was, now knew exactly.
As he enters the circle he is welcomed with open arms. The other emcees are anxious to see what he's got. They say curiosity killed the cat and in this case it did, as he rips into his fellow emcees with a vigor he never knew he had. His confidence grows as he hears the ooohs and aaahs of the other emcees, and he lets it pour like a cloud not longer able to stay suspended in air from the weight of his sickness - a dark cloud full of the hate and poison from a childhood gone wrong. He uses the cipher like a kind of therapy. He lets it go and for the first time, who he is comes out without ridicule, without insults and comments meant to scar. Hip Hop in its purest form is a tool for healing and he uses it. He uses it until the tool becomes a multipurpose gadget for his creative purpose. Purpose-driven creativity is the stuff revolutions are made of.