Ima Freak

Song Length 3:01 Genre Rock - General


Ima Freak
I always take a beating for things I try to do
And if you're breathing, I know that I can't trust you
If you think this scenario's a little bleak
Here's the shocker, I'm really a freak

I always try to block out every little thing that's said
Every day and night it's churning in my head
I'm always scowling, I make children shriek
They call me the circus, 'cause Ima Freak

I really wish I could belong
Under the cover of darkness the looks are long
Doctors told me my DNA's quite unique
All of the markers spell out freak

Ima Freak...

©2010 by Kevin W. Manes

This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Debra Ho Life Sucks 12/14/2011

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