Very catchy. Has a definite hook and the vocal performance is superb.
post-londn calling clash merged with early springsteen with some gaslight anthem thrown in. lving the vocals and the subdued old-skool punk feeling embedded. love it guys
Good tune...comes apart at points
Great energy right from the git go, love the guitar sound very retro the secondary vocal adds a tremendous dynamic. Love the lead vocal .
Very summery feel...some big uk names sounding very similar. Enjoyable.
smart, well written, well performed, contemporary and cool. love it!
Very nice chord progression.
Very catchy song, I dig it. Reminds a bit of The Cars, as well as David Bowie.
I love that progressive mid 1980's feel, kind of Devo-Ish.
Wow, takes me back. Well done.
Very unique sound. An old school throw back sound. You are doing good things.
Had a nice upbeat feel to it. I think if this song was mixed a little better I would like it more, and the vocals recorded a little better, because I fele like the voice has a unique feel to it but its not at its best