I really enjoyed this song. There was a contemporary Roy Orbison-like vibe at some points with the singer. The tremolo-infused guitar gave it just a touch of being ethereal, too. Nice overall production, arrangement and performance!
Some real visuals listening to this song. The intro with the bagpipes was really well done. Very is smooth and beautifully performed and mixed. Love the simple pad panned to the right and mixed back in the second verse... you add some congas on the second chorus, I love this type of arrangement. Very pleasing hooks, the piano interlude after the bridge was amazing! Cool background vocals, this song has it all.
I think the hook helps 'sell' the song. The lyric and instrumentals paint a good picture but I don't think the song is a folk song; in my mind more pop and folk/country fusion or a ballad. It was a good enough song for me to want to listen till the end. I would have scored it 3.5 or 4 out of 5 but settled on a score of 3 rather than 4. The singer has a warm and interesting vocal style, which I liked. It sounds like an original song and that is good.
The bagpipes knocked my socks off. Initially I was not connecting with the singer, but as the song developed I thought the singer's voice was perfect for the song. The Hook is fabulous, and the instrumentation behind the chorus is really beautiful. It had a bit of a 80's feel but in a good way.
Nice song with a strong beat and quite oommercial. the scottish sounding intro and parts was very different
i really liked the moderness of this track and the song itself
nice ballad i could hear on the radio