It's a welcoming vibe. some hooky instrumentation.
I like the song's vibe as it progresses.
Great driving beat. One of the best electronic house songs I have heard in quite a long time.
I like the drum intro and the way the bass and vocals enter the song. The vocalist sells the song really well. The hook is very strong and grows with repeated plays. Straight forward but effective lyrics. The song is atmospheric.
Truly, this is what you are meant do! This song takes me back several decades yet can still groove with it right now!
I'm sure I have reviewed your songs before, I can recognize the vocal elements as well as the instrumentation.
Awesome vocals. Very mysterious, haunting, and sounds Hot. Sexy record hear. Very Snice, keep up the good work.
The bass sounds great, nice and meaty a very nice sound. The synth sound are also very well chose and work nicely together. The arrangement is great the melody lines evoke a dark atmsophere the chorus is also quite strong. The overall production is very good. The track is well recorded the vocals sit nice in the track
Nice beat and gets your attention from the beginning. Enjoyable Electronic piece.
its a good song that you can move to
awesome vocals and nice melody-nice music and great instrumentation. I like the over all flow of this. Really nice melodic music going on that flows really well with the vocals....Makes me feel good.