the fire tonight

Song Length 3:40 Genre Pop - Easy Listening


The Fire Tonight ©1185024 on CD / A Thought Your Way / 2021/8/13

We're going to sing around the fire tonight
We're going to make sure everything is right
With no down lovers, no down feelings
Just happy smiles to brighten up our lives

Yeah, we're going to sing and jump about with joy
Dance and laugh with every girl and boy
With no down lovers, no down feelings
Just happy smiles and friendship to deploy

So lets take in this fine evening
With all those who are singing
To share our love with everyone we know
And every day that passes by
Look the world right in the eye
And sing this perfect song filled with joy
With no down lovers, no down feelings
Just happy smiles and friendship to deploy

If you light a fire within your heart
Love will find it's home where it did start
With no down lovers, no down feelings
Love will heal what was torn apart

Lyrics art davieau Music art davieau
Producer art davieau Publisher art davieau
Performance art davieau Label art davieau

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