
Song Length 4:00 Genre Folk - Rock, Pop - General
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Heartbreaking, Intolerable Subject Heartbreak, Frustration
Similar Artists Tracy Chapman, Sting Language English
Era 2000 and later


I was so sure you were the one
Who would be my better half
The one next to whom I won't be afraid to get old

I really seek to make you happy
Whatever you wanted I was ready
I managed to never cause any tension or hostility

And you laughed, you laughed, yes you laughed at me
You just played, you just played, yes you played with me

Every night I watched you sleep
I was the guardian of your dreams
I prevent the nightmares from coming into your head

I hardly try; I did my best
To make you feel like a princess
I invented a marvellous world to make you feel unique

And you laughed, you laughed, yes you laughed at me
You just played, you just played, yes you played with me
Now that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, I'm fed up
I will find someone else who deserves my love

Who deserves my love, my very special love

Lyrics Stéphane Gorgerat Music Stéphane Gorgerat
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Jerry J. Thomas Jerry J's Favorites 4/18/2018

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