
Song Length 5:57 Genre Pop - Religious, R & B - Religious
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Moving, Relaxed Subject Will, Recovery
Similar Artists James Taylor, Babyface Language English
Era 2000 and later


Here I am again: confused, and wrestling with my self,
taken back by what I can't control.
Your words have been my light.
You've given hope and called to me,
but I find myself sitting on the ground.

I'm falling to pieces, bending my knees and
begging you please, "Will you save me?"
'cause you have the answer, my true romancer,
and I'll be your dancer when I'm free!


Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
I take up my cross, count my life as loss,
and glory in your resurrection.


You pick up (the) (my) pieces. I'm up from my knees and
it's such a release: you have saved me!
'cause you are the answer, my true romancer.
I am your dancer, now I'm free!


Lyrics Chris Blanton Music Chris Blanton

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I Am With You
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You Are My Salvation
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You Change Everything
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When The Morning Comes (By And By)
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This Is My Cross
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In The Sweet By And By
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Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult
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Lord I'm Coming Home
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Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone
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