Chapter 18 ~ Star Mother Maya Testifies

Story Behind The Song

(see The Story of Time "Introduction" video)

Song Length 7:57 Genre Unique - Soundtracks, Unique - Children


When spirit finished its song, there was a hush throughout the spirit power Council of the Earth. A special witness suddenly appeared. It was Star Mother Maya. Great Grandmother Galaxy says, star mothers are very special to me. They are very wise and mature. They know how to be so still that over time, even stars begin to gather around them. Children of the Earth, your Grandfather Sun is but a child compared to the star mother around which he spins.

Great Grandmother Galaxy was right. Star Mother Maya was very special. She stood in the center of the great assembly of spirit powers. She was brilliant and ever changing. Her radiance pulsed beams of dancing light everywhere. At the same time, star mother's calm center held everyone at one point.

Star Mother spoke..."Earth Mother says human has messed with her mantle of time, the Biosphere. By creating a false time, a flat time, human has introduced an irregular pattern into her Biosphere. This irregular pattern of human existence is also messing with my time, and human doesn't even know about it. Earth is cosmic to the core. Earth time is also galactic time. In messing with Earth time, human is messing with the entire weaving of galactic time."

"In this way human has called attention to itself. That is why I am here before you now, your great Star Mother Maya. My children are the navigators of time. Within your Biosphere those who know the pulse of Earth beating to the pulse of galactic time are also known as Maya. Because of Maya, the knowledge of time is never lost. Even if all the turtles and trees and turtle and tree people would vanish on your Earth, Maya's knowledge of time would prevail for time is sovereign among all things in the galaxy."

"Because of Maya, all is not lost. It is not too late for the Children of the Earth to learn something new, something new that is really something old, something Turtle and Tree have known all along. And that is this..."

"Because of Maya, all is not lost. It is not too late for the Children of the Earth to learn something new, something new that is really something old, something Turtle and Tree have known all along. And that is this...

12 is not 13 - song
12 is not 13, 13 moons make time round
Each year a birth to renew the Earth
12 is not 13, 13 moons to make life sound
Each year a birth to renew the Earth
Children of the Earth, listen to Maya
The gift of Maya is here for you to know
This time is yours, yours to claim
It's not too late to learn again

This time is yours to claim, last generation Children of the Earth you have learned and taught yourselves everything. It is not too late to learn again. The Biosphere awaits your taking responsibility for its constancy. 13 moons is not hard to learn and follow. 20 fingers and toes are not hard to follow and know.

12 is not 13, 13 moons make time round
Each year a birth to renew the Earth
12 is not 13, 13 moons to make life sound
Each year a birth to renew the Earth

Star Mother Maya paused. Then she asked all the creatures of the spirit assembly of the Earth, what do these children need that they do not now have?
They need the gift of the Turtle and Tree
They need a calendar that is true
They need a Biospheric Bill of Rights
And an Earth council of their own
So they may learn the way to simply be

Who will see that the Children of the Earth receive these four gifts. As I speak, they are ready. As soon as Star Mother Maya finished asking her question, she was gone.

All the gathering within the biospheric spirit mantle sat in awe of Star Mother Maya's presentation and disappearance. All the spirit powers knew that relief of the biospheric stress was now up to them.

Lyrics José Argüelles Music Francine Jarry
Producer Francine Jarry Publisher The Rainbow Music Company
Performance Francine Jarry Label The Rainbow Music Company

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