ITHAKA~May your journey be a long one

Story Behind The Song

~ITHAKA~ I heard this beautiful poem at my first Abraham-Hicks seminar in Syracuse, N.Y. in October 1999 when it was read at the beginning of the Sunday morning seminar (October 17th-my birthday) I put it to music several years later...felt perfect to end this album ~ hope you like it ~ May your journey be a long one ~

Song Length 5:03 Genre New Age - Contemporary


ITHAKA (May your journey be a long one)
By C.P. Cavafy ~ Translated by Edmund Keeley

As you set out for Ithaka
Hope the voyage is a long one
Full of adventure, full of discovery
Laistrygonians and Cyclops
Angry Poseidon--don't be afraid of them
You'll never find things like that on your way
As long as you keep your thoughts raised high
As long as a rare excitement
Stirs your spirit and your body
Laistrygonians and Cyclops
Wild Poseidon--you won't encounter them
Unless you bring them along inside your soul
Unless your soul sets them up in front of you

Hope the voyage is a long one
And may there be many a summer morning
When with what pleasure, what joy
You come into harbours seen for the first time
May you stop at Phoenician trading stations to buy fine things
Mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony
Sensual perfume of every kind
As many sensual perfumes as you can find
And may you visit many Egyptian cities
To gather stores of knowledge from their scholars

Keep Ithaka always in your mind
Arriving there is what you are destined for
But do not hurry the journey at all
Better if it lasts for years
So you are old by the time you reach the island
Wealthy with all you've gained on the way
Not expecting Ithaka to make you rich

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey
Without her you would not have set out
She has nothing left to give you now

And if you find her poor
Ithaka won't have fooled you
Wise as you have become
So full of experience
You will have understood by then
What these Ithakas mean


May your journey be a long one
May your keep finding new desires
May your journey be a long one
May you keep your thoughts raised high

May you always feel the freedom
To seek joy in each new born day
May your journey be a long one
With your heart to guide the way(x2)
Let your heart guide the way

Keep Ithaka always in your mind
Ithaka gave you the marvellous journey
Wise as you will have become
So full of experience
You will understand by then
What these Ithaka's mean

Music: Francine Jarry
Lyrics: May your journey be a long one

Lyrics Francine Jarry Music Francine Jarry
Producer Francine Jarry Publisher Rainbow Messenger Publishing
Performance Francine Jarry // narration~vocals~piano Label The Rainbow Music Company

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