Cool vibe on this one, a "country western/rock-esque" piece with a nice upfront acoustic guitar lead backed by electric power chords and riffs. The straight-ahead rock beat and bass pushes the mood forward. Its arrangement is lyrical and could easily be the backing track of a vocal song. Well done.
Nice bluesy sound... I feel the heart and soul of the acoustic guitar player... really like the way he/she grabs the notes. Bass player fits in well. Drums sound programmed but done well. I really dig the ending. I can tell that your life is music and rightfully so... There are some magical passages in this track... I feel your passion for composition and mood.
Unique rock piece with melody executed on acoustic guitar for the most part.
A great soundtrack for so many opportunities! A great sound bed under some great guitar work that really makes this thing shine. Both acoustic and electric guitars are in just the right spots with performances that just work... and work really, really well! Nice job.