The Thaw

Song Description

A song about how we'll miss the winter if ever it disappears. We recorded it at social distance during the Covid pandemic.

Song Length 2:11 Genre Folk - Country


If the nights seem cold sometimes
Don't grumble at the weather.
We'll miss old winter's frosts and rimes
If they melt forever.

No wood to see without the trees.
No thaw without a freeze.

And if the heats of summer stay
One day they'll leave us yearning.
We'll miss the way the seasons play
And the leaves returning.

No wood to see without the trees.
No thaw without a freeze.

If I seem cold and far away
Don't grumble at my absence.
It makes the heart grow fond, they say.
The chill imparts a warm sense.

No wood to see without the trees.
No thaw without a freeze.

And if the dark makes sparks leap higher
We'll take our loves and live them.
We'll stack the logs that stoke the fire
If we've still trees to give them.

No wood to see without the trees.
No thaw without a freeze.

Lyrics © 2019 Ian Graham Music © 2019 Ian Graham
Performance Françoise Knockaert & Ian Graham
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
John Walradt I wish I could write lyrics like these 12/1/2020

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