Life On The 45th Parallel

Story Behind The Song

Attitude and outlook are essential to the quality of life. From time to time, the attitude needs adjustment or purging of the negative detritus that can build up for lots of reasons. I am fortunate to live in a region that abounds with natural beauty and opportunities to immerse myself in this beauty. Biking, paddle boarding, running or just taking my dog for a walk can re-adjust or re-focus my attitude and outlook on the good, positive things in my life. Often, I work on music in my head while engaged in these activities. I biked past a sign that marks the 45th Parallel here in Northwestern Lower Michigan while in my head I worked on this tune. You might say that the sign made a significant impression.

Song Length 2:55 Genre Folk - General, New Age - General
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Mood Peaceful, Pleased
Music James Filkins Producer James Filkins
Publisher James Filkins Performance James Filkins-Raighes Factory
Label Raighes Factory

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