Dosie Dope (who invented rap?)

Song Length 3:04 Genre Pop - General, Unique - Polka


Dosie Dope
by J.W. Landmon
copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved
(My concept for this song was a Hillbilly type talking to some Rappers from the Bronx who look and listen to him like he's crazy, and then realize that he might have a point and they begin doing square dance/hip hop together).

Verse 1
Hi ya fellows, how ya doing (excellent)
Did ya know that white people really invented Rap?
Sure, we did, we've been doing it for years
We be like well come on now swing your partner, turn her around
Dosie Doe and Let's Get Down, Ya know
That's how its, that how it really started, you know hey

Dit, dit, dit, dit, dit, dit, DJ
Yo, yo, yo,
Come on/yeah

Verse 2
No but really ya know back in the good old days, Ya know
We'd bring our gals down to the barn
And we'd just, we'd really get loose ya know
The band would start playing
And we'd get that beat pounding, ya know
And we'd just start rapping away, ya know
We'd be like grab Sally, Turn her around, Your left hand in
Your left hand out, And a right limb out, and turn her around
This is how we're going to get down


Verse 3
Well I don't mean to brag
But we been doing that a long time ya know
Way before use guys
Want to come over to my side
And try it over here


Ok, sure
Alright it was real nice to meet ya there guys
Glad I was able to help out!!

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