Shimmer Falls

Story Behind The Song

I have an 8 year old daughter that has trouble staying in her own bed at night. She claims she has nightmares and runs into my bed when she wakes up from them. This inspired me to write a song of a land called nightmare land where a child is rescued by

Song Description

Shimmer Falls is one of 14 songs that tell the story of Dream Land. Dreamland is a place that a 8 year old girl travels to in her dreams. Shimmer Falls is a beautiful place to enjoy the melodic cascading waters and beautiful scenery surrounding the fall

Song Length 2:35 Genre Classical - General
Tempo Floating Mood Serene, Enchanting
Lyrics n/a Music Jeanne Costello
Performance Jeanne Costello

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Calm Waters
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To the Moon and Back
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At Twilight, 1st movement
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Rainy Day Dreams
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Classical - Romantic
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High Spirits
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Looking Back
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Lost in Nightmare Land
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