How I loved those harmonies. Lyrics outstanding - real quality writing. Vocals remind me a little of Ian Tyson back in the day. Lovely ! Keep your band by the way.
I heard you a few times, enjoyed you them, enjoyed you now..
This song carries an excellent sentiment. Nicely sung and played. I love the hook line
"There's a little bit of joy within my heart
Just enough to make the music start", and there are some similarly cleverly constructed lines scattered throughout the song.
Very nice song, great vocals, love the 2 voices together, love your lyrics
really good feel to this song, great mix with the vocal sitting well in between the velvet, wrap-round guitars and fiddle. interesting lyrics with some nice opposing lines and ideas. It sounded commercial to me but who knows, surely you like what you like! great song, thanks, I enjoyed it. Oh, and I loved the suspended end!
What a wonderful voice - plummy and easy to hear as rippling water, with deep undertones. It sounds as if the singer can reach any note at all without effort. And at no point in the song does the music try to overpower the voice, which means that you can hear how clever the words are, and how well the lyrics rhyme.
Recording is really good! Vocals are right on. I especially liked the steel guitar and fiddle. Very nice touch!! Harmonies are nice also. The instrumentaion of the song makes me feel like there should be a beat in there somewhere, even if it is light.
Easy-going country ballad about tolerance - the need to learn "the whole song" and not just "the chorus". A nice metaphor.
Damn, this is good! Really nice arrangement, recording and execution. Love the lyrics and the progression.