Well as the song has no lyrics, those ratings are N/A. I liked the transitioning stages that built up to a more fuller instrumental sound with additional instruments, flow and some of the instruments that were playing a similar sound in a previous part of the track were still present but had a different instrumental sound that played it so it was consistent and kept continuity but in a refreshing way.
It is a good potential starting point of an instrumental that could be utilised as a backing soundtrack for a particular TV show or movie.
A really interesting blend of sounds with piano chords and solos.
Electronic dance music with a jazz beat. Very enjoyable to listen to. Nice beat. I like the keyboard elements.
This would be good and groovy electronic music for eating a hot ham and cheese sandwich. How do I know this? Because I just heard this music as I was chowing down on a big yummy ham and cheese sandwich! This music set a nice a pace as I carefully intermingled a few potato chips into the groovy moments. My bro says he likes this kind of music when he's slickin' back his hair while looking in the mirror - he does that a lot. LOL ... The lady next door is banging on the wall, wanting us to turn this down. Grooovy...
Quite an original track with unusual mix of instruments.