Real American Heros

Story Behind The Song

Song about the everyday heroes in our country

Song Length 3:47 Genre Folk - Americana


Real American Heroes

The real American heroes, are underpaid teachers K-12
Those who volunteer in a hospice, and moms who have no time for themselves

The real American hero, is a kid growing up in a ghetto
A guy who drives a truck, a single mom down on her luck

The real American hero has never ridden in a limo
doesn't own an American Express card, and is seldom a CEO

No, the real American heroes, work two jobs from 9-9
Eat peanut butter to survive, and pay their taxes on time

If you're looking for heroes
Everyday heroes
Real American heroes are everywhere
They're everywhere

The real American heroes, some served in a war
Stood in unemployment lines before, and welcome neighbors with an open door

Real American heroes, are not wall street millionaires
Or talk show hosts that blow hot air, or politicians who don't care

The real American heroes, works full time and goes to class
Have never stood in the winners circle, or caught a winning touchdown pass

Real American heroes are the average Joe and Jane
Who gave this country her backbone, and forever bleed USA

Real American heroes,
Everyday heroes,
All American heroes
Look around, they're everywhere
Just look around,
they're everywhere

Lyrics Paul Michael Smith

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