It has a very 'Monster Magnet' and Nine Inch Nails feel to it. It brings energy and a very late 90s early 2000s industrial vibe to it. The driving lyrics keep it moving forward and interesting. It has a pissed off 'listen to me now' kind of feel and it gets across the emotions that you were trying to I think. This would be great live!
Hi, thanks for letting me listen a bit. I was impressed with the energy and focus you brought to the track, and the originality overall was great. The instrumental was pretty amazing, especially that intro, that got me excited and reeled me in hook-line-and-sinker (I think thats how you say it). Also was impressed with the track length, and how you didnt follow the popular formula of making 3-5 min long songs. This was short and sweet, which I think is a strength of the track.
* Like the instrumentation used in the 'bridge'
Very original.