Rust on My Funk

Story Behind The Song

Once upon a time, young Jimmy Brown was given a pogo stick for his birthday. The rest is history.

Song Description

Well let me tell ya, and this is something you simply can't argue with, at all, ever - funk is most definitely and absolutely the greatest recreational active indulgence that exists in concert with a vertical wooden apparatus, otherwise known as a pole, a pike, a staff or more commonly known as a stick.

Song Length 2:31 Genre R & B - Funk
Lyrics Mother Nature Music Tyler Weiss
Producer Tyler on Garageband Publisher Spiral notebook.
Performance Tyler Weiss Label Insert contract here.
This track is on 2 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
hilikus Funk You! 9/20/2007
DOdoubleNY Funk You! 9/19/2007

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