AMERICAN SWAGGER is a new heavy rock band bringing a refreshing sound to fit in the here and now of today's world....With lyrics that all can relate to, and music that is gritty, bitey, nasty, dark, sexual, sincere, raw, and beautiful, this group has unintentionally managed to take their influences from throughout the years................ influences that have had a major impact on their lives, and capture a sound all their own...
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None for my current project yet.
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Some 60's.....70's Hard Rock, some 70's Punk, and 90's Hard Rock/Grundge
The music I am recording is my own twist of hard rock music with hints of my influences throughout the songs. Like it or not, you will apreciate this music for what it is when you hear it. We are at this time looking for a bass player and a drummer as the cd is near compleation. Stay tuned.