The Scissorhands was created with the idea of playing creative music with the musical ideals and influences of The Beatles, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, and many 60's and 70's rock and garage rock bands. The Scissorhands have a very diverse sound that retains its own unique quality, and although diverse in nature it all comes together in thier own individul sound. Having songs ranging from heavy guitars and raging vocals, to catchy pop melodies, and dreamy ballads, their music is deffinetly something that is rare and special.
The Scissorhands are a three piece band consisting of Tyler Hautala: vocals, guitar, JJ Anselmi on drums and Garett Carr on bass. Starting just under 2 years ago The Scissorhands set out to bring the creativity, freedom, and intelligence back into rock-n-roll. Playing at every local show and gig that they could, (usualy to about 100 - 200 people) and selling thier now out of print self-produced album Beautifully Melancho
Similar Artists
The Strokes, The Vaselines
Nirvana, Sonic Youth, The Velvet Underground, The Vaselines, The Breeders, Nico, The Beatles, The Smiths, Morrissey, The Cure, Suckle, The Lemonheads, The Sex Pistols, The Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer
The Scissorhands was created with the idea of playing creative music with the musical ideals and influences of The Beatles, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, and many 60's and 70's rock and garage rock bands. The Scissorhands have a very diverse sound that retains its own unique quality, and although diverse in nature it all comes together in thier own individul sound. Having songs ranging from heavy guitars and raging vocals, to catchy pop melodies, and dreamy ballads, their music is deffinetly something that is rare and special.
The Scissorhands are a three piece band consisting of Tyler Hautala: vocals, guitar, Nathan Hautala on drums and Jesse Montgomery on bass. Starting just under 2 years ago in brothers Tyler and Nathans basement The Scissorhands set out to bring the creativity, freedom, and intelligence back into rock-n-roll. Playing at every local show and gig that they could, (usualy to about 100 - 200 people) and selling thier now out of print self-produced album Beautifully Melancholy, (Recorded at Barking Pig Productions in Salt Lake City Utah, with recording engineer Mark Fasbender,) The Scissorhands quickly built a local following, and recognition for their music. Having just finished recording their second album Paris is Burning, once again at Barking Pig Productions, The Scissorhands are currently working on the finishing pieces of art, and hope to have the album available shortly.
Extremely passionate and dedicated about Their music, The Scissorhands conti