"A Front Line Hero is a one man band project created by jim levatte of Smiths Falls Ont. Canada. After fronting various projects over the years, Jim decided it was time to do a project where he could produce and engineer in his own studio, as well as play all the instruments. "This is something i've always wanted to do", and the time was right. JIm's songs have been getting excellent reveiws.
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new cd out soon, being duplicated as we speak, it features 11 new songs.
A Front Line Hero
A Front Line Hero is a one man band project created by Jim Levatte. After fronting various projects over the years, Jim decided it was time to do a complete project. "This is somethiong i have been working toward my whole life". Jim recorded th new disc in his home studio, as well as doing all the vocals and playing all the intruments. "The hardest part was remaining objective, about the songs".
"They could easily start taking a totally new direction if you didn't reign yourself in every now and then." Jim explains, " Without having other influencs around to help you develope the song ideas, you really have to have alot of control, or you will never finish a song. The results are both rewarding and very satisfying for jim. A small tour is in the works, and jim's band is trying to recreate the songs live. The main reason for these songs are to send to publishers for film/tv liscencing.