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Michael i didn't give you 5 stars because you gave me 5. I listened to the entire song and enjoyed it very much. Kind of a Modern day Arlo vibe! Fun and Provocative! Cheers Tim
This sight sent me an email that you had made a "friend" request...but i haven't seen one. T
Thank you Tim much appreciated michael
Michael, thank you for all the Stars on "Bright Side", very generous! Cheers Tim
I really liked the sound and lyrics michael
Well you got a leg up on me,.my co-writer who is quite the Musician and Produced made all that happen. I basically wrote the lyrics. Cheers
i don't know what "just the lyrics" means.... to me that is what makes the magic.... well done... cheers
LOL thanks Michael! I just try never to claim more credit than i'm due. Much appreciated. ;-)