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I just listened to your tunes. You do the "3 piece" quite well. You have an interesting 60's - 70's vibe.
Hey Michael Centola, Joel Gove, listening to your tune,"Beautiful "Day", 5 stars & likes!! Your song has an early 50's simplicity feel to the Happy Days Theme! Very Cool and quite Creative!! Good Job gents!! Love to connect with you thru Broad Jam and exchange musical ideas! Toodles, And Stay Safe & Sport a Mask!! The Corey's...........
thank you so much for your very kind and positive review of my song "Thirteen Rooms" much appreciated. All the best, Scott
Hi All, Thanks for a great review of Street Music Suite. It is a bit confusing when you don't see the title in a blind review because, as you rightly point out, it is intended as a suite of several pieces designed around one style/theme. Each element is in my site as a separate entity but the idea of putting them like this is to show an opportunity provider what is available. Apologies for the confusion. Glad you enjoyed the guitar, that's my main instrument, I just about get by on keyboards! Good luck with your projects, it's a great idea. Bob
Hello 20! Welcome to Broadjam. Thanks for the review of Passport to Power. The song has actually been doing pretty well on Pandora and Spotify. I originally wrote it as a theme song for a Christian Bible Summer Camp. Have a great day and stay warm with all this snow! Mrs. Kate
Thank you for your review and enjoyment of "Stay Here Now." I've been listening to your songs: lots of variation that holds my interest. I like the straight on social comments of "Trigger Warning" and "Monster." Great punk on "The Back." Well done!
Thanks, you lucked out, I forgot to put "The Back" on private. Its one of the songs on our album coming out Feb 19th.
Thanks for your favorable review of "Dora's Lullaby". I appreciate it! I listened to your "Trigger Warning". Fun song! 5-stars.
New album "Down on Ruskin St" coming out on February 19, 2021.
Thanks for your review of my song Up & Away. I appreciate your time and your comments. Have a wonderful day! :)
Thanks for the review of "Killing a Pharaoh" to answer your question, it is about an ex girlfriend, no religious intentions, although I enjoy hearing people interpretations of our music. All the best!
Interesting! We all have our world views coloring what we hear. I appreciate the explanation! Mrs.Kate
"What a Great Review of "Where the Sunshines Down Below". Great Advice! I'm Very Flattered! Catnip=+
Thank you kindly for your review of my song Up & Away! I appreciate the great review and comments made. Thanks for taking the time to do so. Take care and be safe. :)
Michael, So you got my tongue and cheek song of Bonny and Clyde...well the static radio effect at the beginning and machine gun was how i thought of them as a couple....this is a song written by my son-in-law and friend who did this in an underground sound but I liked it so i asked to do it in my style...maybe intro could be a little shorter but I play to entertain...but thank you for the work and time on my song "Get Even" your review was great.... welcome to the family of BJ...a friend of music.
Thanks for Kind comments on "Something Inside Of Me". Very much appreciated!
Thanks for your positive review of "Bright Skies Ahead". I appreciate it! I listened to "Not Just Coffee". Fun song, takes me back to the 90's.
Hey CW, thanks for the great review of This One's For Sammy, Much Appreciated!!
Sure thing! Keep rockin'.
Thanks for the review of "Trigger Warning". You hit the nail on the head with the intent. Everything little thing isn't offensive, and we wanted to make an easy quick song to poke fun at that.
Goal met! People getting triggered by "trigger warnings"'s meta lol.
Hi Michael. Thank you very much for your review of 'Keep Me Warm'. I really appreciate your comments. David.
Hey Michael, thanks for review of You Saved Me. Spot on, I know very well my mixing and vocal "challenges" lol. When I can update that recording, I will. Will check out your SoundCloud stuff, I think sound is better than here. I am also on SoundCloud, under CW Mullins.Best of luck man.
And welcome to Broadjam!
Michael thanks for the review of Children Obey. Mrs Kate
hello Michael, thank you for your thoughtful review of my song "track 13 (next stop oblivion" - I appreciate your input and nice catch, the drums are indeed machine constructs. all the best to you!