Deep In Blue

Deep In Blue


over 30 days ago to Deep In Blue

Hi, glad to be connected to you, if you ever want any Professional Production or Mastering work done by a studio based in the United Kingdom, then just send us an email at We don't ask for fixed prices, we talk to see what the artiste can afford. please check out our newest songs on broadjam-these are some members who we have helped, also if you get time check out our main website

Thanx for reading and hopefully it will be cool to work with you in the future

Str productions

Pumping Station Road
over 30 days ago to Deep In Blue

Hey Julian,
PSR here. saw your comment to Ron, though I would listen again. And again I conclude that, you have talent! You Are The one, what a pretty song, with great lyrics! One thing did come to me as I listened. In the chorus, when she sings, YOUR THE ONE, sing a male Harmonie, with her. Hows your voice? It could be done in all 3 choruses. It will connect the male listener! Just a thought.
I see your from London. How is the weather there now? I have had interaction with Peter Green,From the UK, Do you know him? His stuff is also very good!
If you want, have a listen to, OUTSIDE LOOKING UP. People in America, are tired of our leadership! President on down. This is a protest song, pointing out some major problems existing here. maybe you can relate? If you listen let me know what you think. You will understand the title, at the end of our song. A possible prediction?

George Cahill
over 30 days ago to Deep In Blue

I Meant " Bob Dylan" ( sorry for typo )

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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