My love of film/tv music prompted me to try my hand at soundtrack writing. I teach piano, violin, and viola, and my favorite composer is Beethoven.

Sounds Like: George Winston, Michele McLaughlin

Latest News

New Album "Written in the Stars"

New Album “Written in the Stars” now available on all streaming platforms (released July 12, 2024)

New EP coming out March 21, 2024
“My Favorite Memory” 

My piece, “Tribute for Tasha”, will be on the November 6, 2023 WOS podcast. Thankful for this opportunity!

Tribute 2021
Head in the Clouds 2022
I Still Think of You 2022
Loved Forever (EP) 2023
My Favorite Memory (EP) 2024
Written in the Stars 2024


This Artist has 14 Videos


This Artist has 114 Playlists


Hey Jeana thanks for the play list add. I've been trying to remember the name of the song you played for the group awhile back as I recall you were not sure what you were going to name it. Any way I love it and want to add to my play list. Hope things are well with you and the family, take care.

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
3 weeks ago

Hi Scott-- You are welcome. Thanks also for the stars for "Spring Birds". I appreciate it! The song I shared with the group is "All Is Well". John convinced me that I could name it that, even though I know there are other songs out there with the same name. Things are well with me and my family, hope the same for you.
Jeana P

3 weeks ago

Cool, thanks Jeana.

Hi Jeana,
I hope all is well your way. Thank you so much for the 5 star rating on Movin On. That one and Take The High Road were my attempts at writing somethning in a Blue-esque genre! I'm so glad you liked Movin On!

It looks like you may have posted a new tune ior two! I'll check 'em, out while I'm here.

Have a great day and thanks again,

Hi Jeana,
Thank you so much for the 5 stars on "Just Time For Me To Go". I really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen, and I'm so glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out a tune or two of yours!

Thanks again... be and stay well!


1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank-You are welcome! Sorry for my late response, I haven't been on here for a while. Thanks for the stars and playlist adds for "I Still Think of You" and "Precious". I appreciate you listening.
Hope things are going well for you.
Jeana P

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