Terri Thurman Finck and her mother Patricia Harris, co-write, record, and perform children's songs throughout much of Oregon. They have released four CDs and are working on the fifth. The CD titles are: Galliump!, Galliump! Folk Songs & New Favorites, Galliump Lullabies, and Galliump! Around the World. Terri Thurman Finck is the primary artist on the song albums, assistedc by other outstanding musicians. The song team also presents a teacher workshop for Oregon universities and elementary schools titled, "Fun Children's Music Activities for Classroom or Music Room". The song team can be reached through their web: www.kid-tunes.com
Sounds Like: Taylor Swift, Raffi
Latest News
Terri Finck and her mother Patricia Harris have just completed, 2014, a new album, "Galliump! Goes Wild". E-mail the song team for information. galliump@charter.net