Bob Ricci is a musical artist, with a knack for comedy, who has been performing parodies and writing creatively original music since his early teens. Bob has built a diverse and powerful fan base over the years through his exciting and funny live performances as well as his "ingenious and hilarious" lyrical compositions; all the while focusing on a dedication to the integrity of the artists' and his own music.
Bob has recorded, promoted, and sold two record albums and is currently working on his hotly anticipated third album, with requests for more national and international CD sales and new music received daily. Bob has a global estimated fan base of over 250,000 based upon CD sales and internet traffic. His website alone,, pulls in upwards of 350,000 hits per DAY at its peak, and his increasing CD sales (well over 150,000 units since November 2004) have put Bob Ricci in the eyes of venues and fans across the nation.
Press Info
"Great Stuff! It's well played and well recorded. What more could you ask for? Some of the tracks sound like something Al would have recorded!"
-Jon Bermuda Schwartz (Drummer for "Weird Al" Yankovic since 1981)
Similar Artists
"Weird Al" Yankovic, Adam Sandler, Tenacious D
"Weird Al" Yankovic, Adam Sandler, Tenacious D, Ozzy Osbourne, No Doubt, Aerosmith
Bob Ricci is a musical artist, with a knack for comedy, who has been performing parodies and writing creatively original music since his early teens. Bob has built a diverse and powerful fan base over the years through his exciting and funny live performances as well as his “ingenious and hilarious” lyrical compositions; all the while focusing on a dedication to the integrity of the artists' and his own music.