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Nice photo...real pretty
Enjoy listening to all of her songs. They are unique and with style.
Enjoying the Journey and hoping that as You, You, You listen to the lyrics to"Some People" there is a special message received that captures the heart, soul, and mind of the listener!! Thanks Everybody, Love Ya!!! Angela Booker
God Bless You, Gregory Thanks for giving a review to my latest song: "Some People" I appreciate the fair and kind review of this song because I hope and pray that the lyrics to this song transcend across the country for the sole purpose of 'Uniting a Community' and world of people that are different in character, personality, race, and cultural orientation, yet make up this entire world today. Again thanks for your support of the review, and I take earnest heed to your comments. I am also glad to know someone is listening to what I really convey in this particular song. I do have a lot to say and hope that my message in song will continue to show my heartfelt meaning which is 'People' who exhibit great confidence and strength, and my motive is to let others know there is a healing from above, especially to the lowly in heart and wounded in spirit!! Kindly, Shepherdess Angie B.
Hello Friends & Family God Bless Each Of You That Are Continuing To Show Your Love By Supporting My Great Efforts To Spread This Anointed Message In Song. ~I Love You From My Heart & Just Know That Your Efforts To Support This Phase Of My Life Is Not In Vain~ I Thank God For Everything That He Has Allowed Up To This Present Time~ Love, Shepherdess Angie B...
Thanks for the Review of New Song: "Some People" May God Continue To Bless & Keep You!! Production Quality of Recording 4/5 Quality of Arrangement 4/5 Originality of Song 4/5 Overall Rating 4/5 Positive Comments Nice sax,nice piano line,like the bass line,nice song ,i like it I truly appreciate the Review, 'Shepherdess Angie B'
PTL Sis. Booker: I listened to your song, and it sounds wonderful!!! You have a beautiful voice!!! God bless you in all your endeavors, and I hope to hear you on the Coco-brother LIVE radio show one day!!! Brandy:) Brandy Sullivan PTL Sis. Booker: I listened to your song, and it sounds wonderful!!! You have a beautiful voice!!! God bless you in all your endeavors, and I hope to hear you on the Coco-brother LIVE radio show one day!!! Brandy:)
Thanks Brandy for listening, and Blessings to you, as well. Love, Shepherdess Angie B
Thanks for your kind and generous review of "I Devote My Life To You".....It was my daughter Brooke's first recording in 2000 when she was 14..........if you want a treat, head over to my broadjam page and listen to Brooke on Bernstein's "A Simple Song", or "Monica's Waltz", or "Trees On The Mountain", or "Crescent Moon", or any one of a few dozen songs that she's recorded over the last 11 years! Thanks again for your kindness!
thanks Angie. You got the message of the song. Your comments are appreciated.
Katrina Vanessa 6:54pm May 18 How do I purchase? Katrina Vanessa Katrina Vanessa 6:54pm May 18 Hey sis....i didn't knows your mom sang! I liked, it a lot very impressed with get does she write her own material?
Dear Angela, You just received a new comment from Ted Nidy: "Hi Angie, Thanks for your review of my song "Cybero." I'm glad you li..." To view, reply to this comment, or to manage this comment, begin here:
Dear Angela, You just received a new comment from MDG: "Hi, I just loved your song. It is great. Peaches" To view, reply to this comment, or to manage this comment, begin here:
Hi, I just loved your song. It is great. Peaches
Thanks Peaches for your support, and for taking the time to listen to my song. I hope you were blessed, and that you will continue to share my song with everybody that you know. I am on a true mission with this particular song, and I have a goal to meet. With the Lord on my side, I shall reach the goal God placed in me. Take care, Angie B
~Thanks Mika for your continuous support~ Love, Love
"Today is the day that the Lord has made! I am rejoicing, and I am so glad about another day."
I need your support everybody for the benefit of my efforts to give back to our community. Please do not forget to Download the MP3 for your inspiration. Thanks In advance for your enduring help toward making a difference in the Kingdom of God!!! Love Ya! Shepherdess, Angie B
Your welcome....
~God's Grace Is Sufficient For Me~
Hi Everybody I am so elated to be yet on another amazing journey. Please visit YouTube in order that you see my new video clip of my brand new song. It is Entitled: "Jesus You Are My Everything" Thank you for your continued support in my efforts to support charitable organizations. Kindly, Angie B 1 [Angela's Merchant Place for Music shared from the heart]
Hi Family and Friends.............. It gives me great joy to share my new music with each of you. The Lord has truly been good to me, whereas, I am indeed glad to be able to reap all of his bountiful benefits. I am elated that the Lord chose me to carry out this task in this day in time for his glory alone. When I tell you that nobody can do me like Jesus, I mean it from my heart. I can not count up all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon me, but am happier than I have ever been in my entire life. The Lord gave me this opportunity to inspire people of all walks of life having no respect of persons. Because of the 'Genre' of music that God did want me to convey, I am careful for nothing in the delivering of this particular song which strongly exhibit my sincere conviction of my life that was once filled with so much pain that it was almost unbearable to focus on the aspects of the many talents that I have been truly blessed to share with others everywhere. I am happy that the Lord saved me, and can shout to the house top the wonderful and magnificent things that the Lord continue to do in my life as I continue to please and obey him. Everything that I know, my God taught me through the power of the 'Holy Ghost', so when you hear this song remember that I sing only for the Lord's glory alone; yet God has taken me to a higher level in him and deeper depth in my salvation. I am glad that Jesus taught me how to love with the 'Agape' Love and gave me peace that surpass all man understanding. My request is to all who have listened and is going to listen to my music" Please support my earnest endeavors for the up-building of God's Kingdom. Shepherdess Angie B, "A new beginning for my life" Download my new music for only .99 and this will help me to further my journey into the works of the ministry that he has placed inside of me. "I must work while it is yet day, because when night comes, no man shall work." Everything that I do at this present time is for the Kingdom of God. and the works that I do now my Friend are the only ones that will last." This is truly my season and I have been given a new and fresh anointing, and like 'Job's' desolation, God has redeemed me from the hand of the enemy. "Let the redeemed of the Lord, Say so!"