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Hi Al, Thanks for the review. This song did have lyrics and were very a whimsical look at life of a loser however it did not do well in the country scene as singers will not sing such lyrics unlike bands such as sum41 etc. We did a rewrite of the whole song titled Life is So Good" and can be heard on our page (or website Thanks again
Hello again Al, Thanks for the comment about more modern. Please give a listen to Cayenne - you might like it better. Sometimes it's hard to determine when a song is "done". Hi God was from a very sad time in my life. Cayenne is better. Do you think it matters what frame of mind you are in? Best regards, Toni
Hello Al, Thanks for the review. I like your last comment, and glad for you that you have not been there before.....You must be pretty young! That song got me through many a night....(even before it was written)
Hello Al, thanks for reviewing "I'll take a Step" instrumental. Now here's the version w/ the kids you'll like it better and it will make a whole lot more sense: er.php?play_file=24409_468593