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1 Replies
Martie Echito
6 days ago


Martie Echito
over 30 days ago to Eva Vazzana

Nice Song! Great musicians, production, and recording.....great job!! Thanks for the kind review of "My New Home". Means a lot!

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Tony...thanks for the nice reviews of my tunes! I've been listening to some of yours...quite the talented one! rock on! Martie Echito

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Warren...thanks for the great review of "My New Home" your songs!!

1 Replies
Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Hey Martie you are a class and talented "act" my friend.
I appreciate your music much! Have a great New Year!
All the best

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Congratulations on your placements Martie. Your songs are top-notch! I'm not surprised!

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks! That's a big compliment coming from you! Life is good!

Randy Steward
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Just listened to "She Takes Me Away"...nice tune. Going back to listen to some more of them. NICE!!

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks Randy! Just listened to a few of your songs too...nice work! Love the paint good pictures with your stories. Music is healing...we're the lucky ones!

Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Wow what a voice.... Bravo Martie Echito...
Its times like these I Wonder... Great tune!

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hey Joseph, thanks for the kudos!! Just listened to several of your tunes....really enjoyed them. We're still making music after all these years....we're the lucky ones!

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Martie - I heard times like these in the 6 pack , I had to do a search and figure out whose that was. Awesome song my friend, good stuff !

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Wow! So kind....thank you so much. Just listened to several of your songs....a true artist and excellent songwriter. All the best!

George Michael John
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hey cool stuff Martie!

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks George! Back 'atcha! Your songs sound great.... loved B4.

Skye Entertainment
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Martie, I really enjoyed it

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks for taking the time to listen!

Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Really a nice tune! Good Luck with it!!

Jon Babb
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hey Martie,

Wish I Had a Music Box was a very beautiful piece, and thank you for giving me the backstory on it. I love music that maintains a classic sound, and quite honestly it's refreshing to hear compared to what we have on the radio today. I hope to hear more nostalgic pieces from you and please keep in touch!

Have a great week,

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Jon Babb

Good Day Jon.... and my day has already started just that way after reading your review of Bad Guys. It's amazing I can be blown away by your talents so much and yet still get to hear such kind words from you about my tunes! You gotta love it my friend. Music is wonderful and meeting others with such talents and kindness is even better.

You have a real fine week Jon. It's gonna be a good one.

Take good care bud,

4 Replies
Jon Babb
over 30 days ago

Same back at you, my bro. I'm very glad that I got in touch with on here, because it's very encouraging to hear from you and always enjoyable to listen and review your music. The pleasure is all mine, really.

I pray we both have much success this month and the next.

Keep in touch,

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

Hey Jon,
I'll pray right along with you my friend. Let's make it happen!

Take good care,

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Jon,...just wanted to say thanks for the kind words in your review of "Music Box". It was recorded in 1977 for an album I did with my band called "Waves" on Polydor. The producer (Bill Halverson) was recording me (without my knowledge) playing the piano...just an idea I had been working on. He gave the recording to Jimmy Haskell, who was doing the string arrangements, and when we had the string section dates, the orchestra was given this piece at the last 5 minutes of the session. Needless to say, I was a blithering idiot for hours after hearing the orchestra do one pass through the song. I felt like my entire being had been engulfed in the most emotional bubble of love imaginable. When Bill played the piece for the Polydor A&R guy, he said they couldn't put it on the album because it didn't have any words. Bill said, "Oh, it has plenty of words, you just can't hear them"!! It's nice to know that it still stands on it's own nearly 40 years later! You made my day with your review. Martie

Jon Babb
over 30 days ago

You guys have some beautiful music, so thank you for allowing me to interact with you -- the big dogs lol. I'm finally brushing shoulders with the celebs.

Jon Babb
over 30 days ago to Fred Kimmel

Thank you very much for reviewing Holy Knight and The Graceful Maiden. It is an honor to receive a professional's input on my music.


1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Fred, thanks for the gracious review for "Bimbo Bounce". It was a quirky piece from a video project I did years ago, but still seems to fit occasional listings...and still holds up again, thanks for the kind words. All the best! Martie

Hey Martie, Glad I found your page. Enjoyed your music thoroughly. I grew up during the 70's so I can relate. I have four grandchildren and many of my songs are inspired by them. Take care, Ray

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Ray....thanks for the kind words and the great's all good!

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Hi Kate....thanks for the really nice review of Happy Socks! Our group is called The Happy Crowd, and have been writing and performing Children's music in Southern Calif. for nearly 25 years. Three CDs and a of 4 bands I'm in, but it still brings me great pleasure! Looks like you've been at it for a long time as the variety of songs...great musicianship and production. All the best to you!

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

You too!

Randy Calligan
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

you are one talented dude... there is so much excellent material here I stand in awe

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

You made my day! Thanks for the kind words. You have some really nice material as well....aren't we the lucky ones?! All the best to you

Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Congrats! Nice!!

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago


I was going through boxes of HS memorabilia and found a business card for The Outlaws. You played at a couple of my parties over on Philadelphia Street sometime in the 60's. I moved to LA when I attended UCLA and have lived in Malibu for 31 years. Don't get to Chino much but have fond memories of those years.

5 Replies
over 30 days ago

After posting this I came across a photo of you from my 8th grade graduation party on June 19, 1967 and one with you, Lee Nunes and John McGrath - oh, the memories!

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Wow! I had forgotten about The Outlaws....that changed to The Trends, then Branch Estate. Been doing music full time ever since, but those days were special. I've played several times years ago at a club in Malibu called Trancas? (sp) with Waves (group that had an album out on Polydor in the late 70's), and did some live recording projects at a Jazz club called Pasqualies (sp)....are they still there? Great to hear from you's life treating you?

over 30 days ago

Very well! Nice to hear from you. Do you have access to my personal email through this site? If so, email me. Trancas is just 3 miles away - don't know Pasquales (s) but would definitely go see you if you come back. I'm happy to email or snail mail the photos. So nice to reconnect with you!

over 30 days ago

I sent you a FB message with my email.

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

I don't see your email address with these posts, but you can include it in a reply. I don't do much on Facebook. You can email the photos to my email: would be awesome. Thanks!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hi ! congrats on your recent selection ! It's a Beautiful soundtrack !:)

2 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks....... You just made my day!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Good luck!:)

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

I was so happy when " it's times like these " played in the six pack !! Such nostalgia for me :) and of course got my highest rating ! Best to you and congrats being in the top 10!!:)

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

" two giving hearts"'is so sweet !! Beautiful song for your parents , I can relate !! Another one of yours that really tugged at the heart strings :)!

3 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Thanks Julia....very kind words. They always allowed me to follow my passion, even if they didn't think it was the best for me. I watched after them for the last 8 years, my mom passing at 92, my dad at 96, and I was always thankful that I could pay it backwards. I remember telling my mom that I realized why she let me be a musician, because without a real job I would have all the time in the world to spend with them in their final years. She just giggled and smiled. It's all good. I wrote a song for my dad in his last years with dementia, called "That's My Dad" that his story wouldn't just fade with his memory. He never heard it, and wouldn't have remembered even if he had. helped me look at life through very different lenses. All the best!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

You are welcome :)! I can relate I recently lost my dad who was my bet friend .. But I know he is with me in spirit mom and him would have celebrated their 56th anniversary this past June's wonderful you were there for your parents :)!..I cherish every moment I had with him !

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

* best :)

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hey! Thanks to Hank Thomas he brought me to your site:)! Love your voice ! Reminds me a bit if Michael McDonald ..and the chord changes and lyrics also pull the heartstrings :)! -and great production too " times like these " easy "3" in the six pack ! Best of luck to you ! Anxious to listen to more of your songs !

3 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

And it does not surprise me you are making a living with your music! That's awesome:)

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Julia, thanks for the kind words! I'm grateful every day that I've been able to do what I love my whole life. Life is good! All the best to you!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago


Martie Echito
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hi Billy....sorry it took so long to respond, I was out of town and out of touch with technology! (which was wonderful!). Thanks for the kind words....I know my stuff is very I'm told 90% of the time, but it's what works for me, so I appreciate someone listening beyond what's popular...thanks! I just listened to many of your tunes....really, really nice. You have the "landscape" instrumentals down. I really enjoy the different moods you can assemble with your instrument pallet, and your production / arrangement skills are great. Best of luck to you!

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hi Martie,
Just passing through some of your tunes. I don't know where to start?! Your stuff blew me away. So well written, played, produced... all of it good stuff. Real good stuff.

You take real good care Martie.

Smile tons,

2 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Billy....sorry it took so long to respond, I was out of town and out of touch with technology! (which was wonderful!). Thanks for the kind words....I know my stuff is very I'm told 90% of the time, but it's what works for me, so I appreciate someone listening beyond what's popular...thanks! I just listened to many of your tunes....really, really nice. You have the "landscape" instrumentals down. I really enjoy the different moods you can assemble with your instrument pallet, and your production / arrangement skills are great. Best of luck to you!

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

I'm liking the sounds of "out of town and out of touch with technology" about as much as you tunes!

Peace and tons of it,

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Hi Martie,
"It's Not That Easy".......really fine song here; love your smooth vocals and harmonies, poignant lyrics, and luscious production. Best of everything to you and your music!

3 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

"She Takes Me Away".......another beauty!

Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Cyndi....thanks so much for the kind words. We're the lucky ones, being able to use music to create and communicate . All the best to you!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

So true Martie, and thank you so much!

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

beautiful - wonderful piano

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Absolutely love Moonstone Stru.

1 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Hi Penny, thanks for all the nice comments on several tunes....makes my day! It's nice to have this community of creators so we can share our masterpieces. We're the lucky ones!

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

beautiful and very good instrumentation - really like

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to Martie Echito

Martie, fantastic job with your song "On the Way Home"

2 Replies
Martie Echito
over 30 days ago

Jim....just got back in town....thanks for the kudos! I listened to several of your tracks....Wow! You've really got it down, top notch, wonderful production, performances, and recording quality. What Virtuals are you using? Really nice. Don't know if you've already checked into it, but if not...check out Triple Scoop Music. It's music for photographers and videographers, and I would think they would absolutely LOVE your work. If you know about it, then never mind! All the best!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much Martie, very much appreciate the nice comments and the recommendation to look in to Triple Scoop Music. I'll check it out! I'm using an assortment of libraries for different things. I have EWQL Symphonic Orchestra for most of my orchestral sounds (I love their strings especially). I'm using Specrasonics Ominisphere (synth stuff), RMX (groove beats), and Trillian (bass sounds). I also have Vir2 Mojo Horns for more of the funky sounding horn parts. I'm playing the guitar, uke, bass, and dobro parts myself, and adding the other instrument parts with my plugins depending on the sound I'm needing. Thanks again and best of luck with your music. You are a great composer!

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