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Karen, this is Tirk Wilder, your Pro Reviewer at Would you be so kind as to send me a lyric sheet of the song you have up for review? I'm really hamstrung without it. Thanks. The email address is
hi tirk thanks for your commend a while ago, but somehow broad jam canceled your commend, do you know how this is possible ? greetings from oskar christian
Charles, I have just received your song. I am sorry about the delay. I will give you an in-depth review. It may take a few days. once again, sorry for the delay.
Absolutely no problem
I had 6 finalist in the Dallas Songwriters Association Songwriting Contest this year and had 59 of the 145 total semifinalist in the 8 genres
Charles, I sent you your review yesterday. At least, I sent HALF of it. In order to get the rest of it, please send an email to with the words "Broadjam Review" in the subject line. Broadjam don't have allowance for reviews as big as I write them. I put all they would allow in your review form, but there is a whole lot more to it. It'sa word document with over 1100 words in it. Broadjam only has space for about 400 words. So send that email, and I'll send you the whole document. All the best, Tirk Wilder
I wanted you to know I consider it a privilege to consult with you on your song. I hope you can soon send me an email as in the above message. I'd love to get you your whole review. All the Best, Tirk
Carter, this is Tirk Wilder, the guy who you honored with the chance to review "Little Miss T". I have a songwriter friend named Marty Dodson, who has written several number ones, who is opening up a blog for songwriters wanting to improve their craft. And, so's you know, I have no dog in this hunt. Check out this post he wrote that I got today. And keep the faith, brother. portant-to-songwriting/