
Previous Comments

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Oh...I almost wrote "I bet this is Violet Mary" in the last review. Lonely Bird is just as wonderful as Stonewall (and I was listening to my copy of Stonewall earlier in the week. I sure hope your music is getting out on the airwaves.

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago to Crosseyed Miles

Crosseyed Miles! Just got to review one of your tunes. Do you play our around Rochester? I would like to come out and hear you live! Keep writing!

2 Replies
Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

I have an acoustic cover duo, but it's called Sons Of Synergy. Crosseyed Miles is a studio project I created for music licensing only, but I do perform two of my tracks w/my duo though. Please like me on FB, i'd app it!

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Hi! Some amazing vocals you have, Violet Mary!!!! Esp. Loved" with the sun" and " lonely bird"....... " with the sun" you have some rockin' vocals goin' on!!:)..... Many blessings.... Julia

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

I hear you guys on the Shakedown all the time..nice tracks! Good luck ;). ~GP

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

"Different and unique lyrics and a beautiful delivery has "Stonewall"!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Love With the Sun!!

Thank you for your review of "With The Sun". I'm so glad you enjoyed the track.

1 Replies

you're welcome!

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago to Geoff Martin Preston

Geoff - Thank you for reviewing "Stonewall". I'm truly glad you enjoyed the tune. So many people have labeled it 'country' (including my folks), which is such a surprise to me considering the overall record this tune is on is decidedly not. But, I may also be to close to our music to tell! We are going to submit this tune for soundtrack opportunities! I'm new to Broadjam, so I am still figuring that out.

Thanks again!
Mike - Violet Mary

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Best of luck, I am sure you will have a good chance with Stonewall. Best wishes Geoff

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Thank you for reviewing "Stonewall". I hear your feedback regarding the acoustic guitar track. We almost left it out of the tune entirely. The song evolved while we were tracking it from a straight-up The Band feel to more of a Floydian thing... and, though landing in the Floyd world, never truly shed it's skin. A remix down the line might correct that.

Thanks again!
Mike - Violet Mary

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

It was a pleasure Mike. I'm listening again and really enjoying Mary's wonderful voice. I'd say "keep it American" and soulful! There's a UK band called Phantom Limb that does a great job with the Stax sound; I'd recommend listening to them for production ideas. ( 1 )

over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

hey vm, thanks for the review of 'i want everything'..that was a glorified 'work' ruff and the drums were fake....we were in the middle of that when then the guy with studio up and left for california....never did anything else with it....
write on/rock on!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I just randomly reviewed 'Stonewall' and really loved the song, very powerful. Wasn't sure if it was Christian or just generally spiritual, but a great song which I will listen to again, thanks guys.

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago

Thanks Chris. Actually, it's not 'Christian' really, though I could see how someone would get there. It's based on a poem called "the last words of Stonewall Jackson" that we set to music. The tune closes our most recent record. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for reviewing it.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Violet Mary, thanks for the review of "Looney Toons". Agree about the Rhodes sound, old Roland sample. I'll get back to it one of these days and clean it up.
Thanks again for listening,

3 Replies
Violet Mary
over 30 days ago

I'm always critical of my older mixes as well. I have a huge pile of "mulligan mixes" that I'll redo someday. :) Thanks for submitting your music!
Mike - Violet Mary.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Just listened to "With The Sun". Like the band! Great recording.......your skills are far beyond mine.

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago

You're too kind! I've been producing for about 12 years, but still have lots to learn. I'm glad you enjoyed the track. Pass it in to your friends, if you please!

Greg Frain
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Thanks for the review of Insides Out - your points are all fair, and if/when I get around to reworking the song, I'll bear them in mind :)

1 Replies
Violet Mary
over 30 days ago

I hope the feedback is helpful! Keep writing! Peace, mike-Violet Mary

Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago to Violet Mary

Hey thank you for the review! I greatly appreciate your comments and feedback!


2 Replies
Scott Tingley
over 30 days ago

Thank you Violet Mary for the very awesome and insightful review of Half A Heart. You have made my day.

Violet Mary
over 30 days ago

Glad it was helpful. I'm looking forward to hearing more.
Mike - Violet Mary

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