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over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

My studio (as You can see on this playlist st=PLmzFEQsQE7TpmRRWn3YO1rJnqkM2LFp Yu ) work on lots of advertising campaign for Croatia and region.
We often need english/american english native voiceovers.

Can You please send me some examples of Your TV or radio advertising works. I'll put on my voiceover roster. And rates, of course. z7

Add these to your tunes that I really liked: Bella escena, Tamworth Bridge, The Festival at Highgate, and In Minsterium Regis/Magna Cum Virtute.
Norb Studelska

8 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Thanks again. i'll go check out your stuff. I see your from Grafton. Did you know Tom Fay at the Faymous Music? He had a music store there some years ago.

Indeed, I know Tom Fay. I see Tom professionally now and then, and have acquired a guitar and other music equipment from him. I like to hear his band, The Unexpected, perform. Dare I say we get along "famously".

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Funny. We were roommates years ago--before I got married. We used to play in a group called Nine Guys Named Al back in the early 90s.

Do you happen to know Gary Clausing (a great singer), who was also a roommate of Tom?

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

I did. I played in a band with him as well. The group was called the "Tooners". We did a bunch of 70's and 80's covers. We played together for only about a year. I lost touch with him, I am not sure what he's up to these days.

Gary lives in Cedarburg, WI. I first heard him sing at St. Joseph's church in Grafton, some years ago. He actually sings on two songs from my most recent album, Legacy III: Dark Sea and Walk the Malicon. I intend to recruit Gary for a couple of tunes I've written for LegacyIV.
Small world!

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Hi Norb. I got a chance to listen to a number of your recordings. Nice stuff. I especially liked the acoustic guitar stuff, both melodically and technically. I listed with headphones so I got the full stereo effect--nicely done. Did you record your stuff in two tracks? Did you do some cool trick with double microphones?

Hi Andy,
Thanks. Indeed multiple tracks were used, and my guitar was mic'ed and "cabled in" from my pick-up (LR Baggs M80) simultaneously.

I just listened to The Blue Sky's of Autum; very nice piece.
Norb Studelska

1 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago


Thanks will stay tuned in to your music

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Andy, hopefully you were able to piece together what I sent via email - I know it's not easy man, talk to you soon!

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Andy, if you get a chance check in your Dropbox - I hope the two wave files made it.

1 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Hi Randal. I did receive them. I was able listen to them, but I couldn't figure out how to download them. I will try again tomorrow at work. Hopefully I will figure this out. I'll let you know.

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hey Andy check out my latest email.

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hi Andy! Thank you very much for listening and stars! I really appreciate your support! All the best!

over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Just had a listen to a few of your things - nice job, Andy! keep it going... I'm in the same boat...used to gig alot - now just write and record my own and push some stuff out for tv etc... Good luck, Mark S Ludes (MSL)

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Dear's us, the people across the pond, the Infamous Corey Gang of Thugs and thieves. We are listen to your composition, "In Ministerium" Great tune!! 5 Stars........M & A Corey

2 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Thanks for giving it a listen. I recorded it recently for a film opportunity on this site. Unfortunately the provider went with someone else.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Good to hear back from you!! The Corey Thugs..........Haaaaaaaaaa

Hi Amy.

Thanks for your review of "the only words a simple man can say". I appreciate your comments.




Thanks for reviewing "the only words a simple man can say". I appreciate the feedback.

I'll have to check out your songs.



Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Dear Andy, again....nice guitar playing and I really like the sound of your voice!! Gave you 5 Stars!!
Peace out! Come have a listen to some of our off the wall might enjoy them!! M & A Corey

8 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

I checked out a couple of your songs. I liked the vibe you're creating. Both songs had kind of a haunting feel, which I thought was cool. (Got an e-mail and Rainbows and sunny skies). Overall good musicianship, good feel, good songs.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Andy, Do you have any suggestions regarding the material you reviewed?? Always open to hear other musician's thoughts regarding the songwriting! Sometimes, the initial reviews from Broad Jam can be somewhat watered down and not too critical! Feel free to give your true musical interpretation.......we've been doing this for over 40 worries mate!!
Happy Trails
Marg & Art Corey

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

There was nothing that struck me as out of place, etc. I didn't listen to them with great detail either. I'll go back next week and do that. I'll let you know what I think.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Andy, Thanks for the further review of our music......much appreciated!! Happy Trails....
M & A Corey

Therapy Gaming
over 30 days ago

Good afternoon! I'm so happy that I found your wonderful music, and that you licensed it so that it can be shared and enjoyed by others! I used your song "The Song of the Blue Dolphin" in my video, and wanted to thank you personally for your amazing work. I hope you have a great day!! tXgufDNg

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

I am glad you found it and have some use for it. I tried the link you sent, but I couldn't find anything videos with the song on it. Could you resend it or send me the video's name, etc.?



PS how did you find this song?

Therapy Gaming
over 30 days ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! The link is tXgufDNg (not sure why it added a space between the T and the t). It's called "Let's relax to Minecraft (Test Pack Please Ignore 2) #1" For some reason Youtube didn't catch it in their list of songs - I hope you can add it so they can have more videos give you credit for your great work!

I found your song while doing a general search of the tag "ambient." I thought it was incredibly relaxing!

Therapy Gaming
over 30 days ago

It's adding the space again. You should just be able to have raTtXgufDNg at the end of the URL and you'll be all set!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

I just reviewed one of your songs on Broad Jam and gave it a so, so review....sorry! I just listen to Corporate Guitar Theme #1 and this sounds very good!! Nice guitar playing!! Say, some days you can review and some days one shouldn't....anyway gave your song 5 Stars!!
Marg & Art Corey Peace Out!!

2 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Thanks for listening to the guitar song. What you said about the country song I believe is true. It was an attempt at writing a "traditional" country song, mainly as a demo. I like most forms of music, but traditional country is not towards the top of the list. I put it up for review to see what other people think of it--mainly because I am not sure what to think of it. Did that make sense?

Anyhow thanks again.



Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dear Andy,'s just one person's opinion....however we have written a lot of country songs and have some thoughts regarding this genre, for what it's worth! I listened to some of your other tunes and your music is quite good!! You have a nice voice and the feel on your material is positive.....and that's a good thing!! If you get a chance, please stop on by and have a listen to our material......we'll leave the light on! Always good to talk/text with another talented songwriter!!
Happy Trails..
Marg & Art Corey

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Andy ...Thank you for your great review of my song...I Will Follow Him....This was a theme song for me and the husband I would have....and I did around the world in over 50 years...your review was one of the most through I have had in a long time...Thank for your time and listen....a friend in music

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hey Andy, thank you for reviewing Google It - The Smart Phone song. Having a blast with it in my live shows. I actually pick out (pick on) a member of the audience with a smart phone to act out the song as I sing it...great fun. Mrs. Kate

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago to HarryBudini

Hi Harry.

Thanks for you're review of "the only words a simple man can say". I appreciate your comments.

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

You're welcome.

Lisa Vivienne
over 30 days ago

Hi Harry, thank you for your review on 'I Dont Mind', your comments are much appreciated. Best of luck to you and your music too! Regards, Lisa Vivienne

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the review on "Jesus is the only hope I see" - it means a lot Harry.

over 30 days ago

You're both welcome, Randal and Lisa.

Hi John. Thanks for your review. I appreciate the feedback. Regards. Andy

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hey Andy,

Gosh, it's time for Cubs vs Brewer baseball! Oddly enough, as a kid back in the 50's I was a HUGE Milwaukee Braves fan....should be a good year for both teams.

Ok, ok, baseball out of the way.

"Retired" rock musician? What? If you are still writing and recording, you have just moved on to a new phase as a Roctus Emeritus....'cause, dude, you never retire from Rock'n Roll. In fact, since I am the Dean of Musicians at The Hound & Dawg School Of Music.....I am bestowing an honorary PH.D of "Rock'n Roll" upon you. Now, doesn't that feel better? {:?D )

Ok, let's get to the real reason for my note. I want to thank you so-o-o-o-o much for the great review of my song, "Walking IN Circles". It is clearly a "song for our times". It won "The Best Lyrics Contest" at Broadjam. Indeed, it is more of an "album cut", although, I would call it a "deep track". Funny thing is that I have fans coming up to me an quoting lyrics from that song all the time. Anyway, you are right, it is tough to take a song with numerous verses, multiple bridges and a varying chorus under control as it spotlights the lyrics and story of our current society. In a weird way, it has a bit of my old friend, Bob Dylan's, influences in it. Musically, I thought of starting with a Stephen Stills vibe and branching out from there.

Anyhue, thanks is most appreciated!

Chet Nichols

PS Your picture sure makes you look like you are too-o-o-o-o young to be retired!

3 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

I like the "rocktus emeritus" title. I'll have to tell my friends that. That picture is about 20 years old. I am the one on the left side in the back. Actually we played a couple of gigs last year and we're doing a couple more this summer. So technically I not retired anymore.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

I have been bestowed the honor and ability to bestow an honorary degree in Rock 'n Roll.... I even have the PH.D template.....let me know, I will add you to the Knights of Rock and send you a diploma....!

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

I'm in. Send me one.

Good morning Andy. Thank you for your kind & helpful review of "Save the Day". We're working to improve it & your comments will help. The best to you in life & music.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Thanks for the review of my song hot boiled peanuts Andy! Mrs Kate

Toby Tune
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hi Andy,
Thanks for your review of "Yankee Doodle 911. What a surprise to hear that piece. It was done around 9-11 so we wanted to do something sad. It is really an old Irving Berlin song that has fallen into the public domain. I probably haven't listened to it since we recorded it and forgot it was on Broadjam ;-)

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago to colin dias

Thanks for reviewing "the only words a simple man can say". I think you're comments were accurate and helpful. I'll have to check out your stuff.



1 Replies
colin dias
over 30 days ago

will be grateful u do check out andy .. these were my views on yours.. you should ask another member also to get a second opinion... cheers andy ... keep in touch

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hi Andy, I want to thank you for the 2 reviews of my songs you did...Bluestone Mt (Bluegrass version) is a bluegrass song I learned in Tenn. I was at a cafe where they sing bluegrass every Friday nite...Had to ask the name because I could not understand what they where singing, so when I got the name I went and looked it up and fell in love with the lyrics and the tune....I have 2 versions of this song and you got my version of bluegrass...though technically I am a folk singer that leans toward Celtic...I love to sing stories to entertain ears. I have more of a Celtic feel version as well could not decide which I liked best so I put both up....You also came across my Elfin Knight which as the melody of S and G "Scarborough Fair" and my song is a traditional. Steel Eye Span sang a version which I loved also..So thank you for your time and very through reviews and your are welcome to give a listen to anything I have up...I am a friend in music....Delta

andy blackwood
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hi Chet.

Thanks for getting back to me. I'll have to check out the Apogee interfaces. You said you were using multiple microphones. Is there any formula for getting them in phase and minimizing echoes, etc.? I have been happy with relatively close micing, but I get a lot of room reflections if I place the mic more than a foot away from the source.

Do you have any ideas?



1 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hi Andy,

That is a tough one because it depends on the room, WHERE you are in the room, and if you have any sound absorbing partitions. Mixing and matching the mics is trial and error in some cases. I have 50 or so mics that I use and I am always buying new ones when I have money to spare....which is rare. I listen for that spot, I call it a tidal spot, where a direct sound mixes perfectly with ambient. It can be a matter of an inch here or there. DOn't know if that helps..... I have been recording so long, it is kind of second nature. I also use sample filters at times, too, to give spread and dept....but I stay away from compressing unless I am playing electric, slide especially, where I use double compressors.



Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hey Andy,

Greeting from across the border! Thanks for the nice review of my song, "Thank You For Breaking My Heart". I am glad you liked it and I really liked your review. It was recorded about 15 years ago on a cassette-driven Teac 8-track, so the dynamic range is nowhere near what we can do today. But, like you said, "A good song is always a good song". As far as you being a bit "dated", not like me....hee-hee.

Best to you!

Chet Nichols

3 Replies
andy blackwood
over 30 days ago

Hi Chet.

You have an extremely good acoustic guitar sound on your recordings. How are you recording them?

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Ancient Chinese secret!

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Ok, just kidding, but it is had to put a finger on, Andy. Much of it comes from the guitar which is a guitar I've had since 1966 and it was custom made by Gibson.I use a lot of tunings and have since 1966.

I met a radio DJ in Kansas City back in 1968 who was blown away by the guitar sound. Long, long, long story short....we would up in San Francisco in 1971 at Wally Heider's and working together on my first album, "Time Loop". (WE just re-digitized in and re-named the album, "Beetles Are Coming". Check it out at my site. Put on some good earphones and sit back and listen to it.

So, when we recorded, "Time Loop", I insisted that my producer work with me to help to record the guitar, unlike anything that has been done before. We worked with multiple pics, mic placements, mixing up miss....etc.....hard to put it all down in a short paragraph. We found the "sound" and I have been working on it since.

My producer was auditioning to record CSNY and David Crosby and he played my album for them...and was hired on the spot. Stephen Stills said, "If you can make my guitar sound like're hired"...... He has gone on to a great career as a producer and recordist.

Great/ good pics are important, but the interface is supremely important..... I use Apogee interfaces.....pricey but worth every penny..... I use NO compression..... DOn't know if this helps...... But, keep on experimenting....till you find the sound that you want.



over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Hi Andy, thanks for the review of my song "ocaso a la orilla del mar", glad you like it and yes, would be better with "real instruments" but you got what you can. Hopec 2016 will be a really good year for you!!

thanks for kind words on "Something Inside Of Me". Appreciate it!

over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Thank you for the very nice review of Claire Sinclair.

Common Ground
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Thank you for the stellar review of our song "Evans Park"! Your comments were great and thank you so much for the feedback!
Bill Hunter
Common Ground

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