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Bobby, the female singer on your last song, what does she charge to sing on your demo, she has a very Good voice!!! Art Corey......
Julie's pretty much retired.
Bobby, Bummer, She has a really Great voice, one of the Best I have heard in a Long time!! What did she charge, when she was singing Demos......may I ask?? Art Corey.................
Bob, thank you for the great review and score for my song Hometown. Much appreciated man. And you are right....It is too short. Another 30 seconds or so would definitely solve that. Thx again Oh and i really liked 3rd to know and The trouble with angels. Nice work Ante
This has been a most exciting week of preparation for my trip to Texas to record my new album for Catfood Records, I'll be working with some world class musicians at Sonic Ranch Studios, Eleven originals and one fun Kinks cover. More news as it happens
Dedicated Follower of Fashion?
Wow Derrick that was great....hard thing to do...writing a political song...but you nailed the hell out of it!
Thanks Bobby! Much appreciated. Please feel free to share away!!
already did....
Great song Derrick, and I don't even live in the USA!! But it's not only the sentiment behind the writing of the song, it's also very well performed. Great stuff.
You win.
Here's a new co-write with Don Tucker... 1
Excellent....loved it....I might have gone up on Broken Dreams....but other than that...I'm sure you got something special.
Thanks, Bobby! Good to hear from you!
thats pretty darn good Greg !
Jeff You're so right...those cymbal crashes drive me nuts on "I Have Dreams" was written and recorded on the fly for an old Six Pack Competition ....excuses excuses Thanks much
FYI Wasn't referring to you in my "permission" post. A hearty Handclasp to ya.
Haha... I guess that's my own worries coming out there. Never made it this far... Kinda... Well... We got diamonds:) Much love Bobby. You'll always be one of the best cats I've met on this website. I'm grateful that you've been able to share so much of such a strange and human journey with me. Sorry to see you didn't make it further this year. Always a fan (thanks to that healthy level of Catholic guilt I harbor daily,) I really hope you're well man:) N
FYI Earl C Webb has a song in the final 10
The " rules " part you did not mention was "..collabs can be used with permission ":)..... Many can adhere a vocal can make or break a song a lot of the times ..... And a Collab is considered being any part of the song ..vocal, lyrics, music , production and so forth...:)The other two in are solely mine ........
I think I said it best in the blog, if someone else's circus is more likable than my own, then so be it. Doesn't matter who did it. No one should feel threatened here. If the work is good... It should get a fair shake (says reassuringly.) N
Anyhow... I'm going to find out why Mike Lusk showed up in my bathroom last night after saying his name three times in the blog. (Says jokingly.) Hope all are well. N
And I'm not getting the inside joke with Lusk I stay out of commenting on the blogs ...commenting here is quite enough '! Lol
Go read the blog, Hank Thomas made a funny. N
He is a funny guy!!:)
Welcome to my Broadjam profile. Thanks for visiting.
"When the Rain Gets In" Really like that a lot...still hummin'
Thanks Bobby, much appreciated :)
Haha Bobby! Never heard this one! 1
And I get what you mean...just LOVE Velveteen! lol ;0)
Did anyone get to check out this goofball (we love's;0) Bad Art. (above link) Typlcal guy... so funny!
Goofball? Typical guy? i resemble that remark!
lol ;0)
Hank... We won the Alternative Country Channel over at Kinda like kissing' your sister...but I've got 6 brothers so it works for me... 1
Get OUT! Do we get anything besides a swelled head? I've got 4 sisters. All good kissers (so I hear) Happy New year. Hank
They give 100 dollar Amazon Gift Cards....but they are so far behind ...don't count on it...they owe me a lot.. let your head swell...
"When Night Turns Blue"....what a moment!
Thanks, Bobby... yes, what a moment. The last thing my Sister and I did together with Herbie... and our Mother was there to witness the recording. Our Mother passed away later that year but we got to have her there with us for that one shining moment. Best always, Bobby
Third to Know - great song, sounds like a Don Henley cut !
Bobby -- I have to tell you, I LOVE "If You're Leaving, Say Goodbye" Kudos!
Penny, You're so much fun....all of you.
LOL Bobby, thanks :)
Homewhere - nice sentiment, and lovely production Bobby. Sounds great!
Fun to see you in action on your video Bobby :)
Secret Heart....great song...where do I go to buy?
Never mind...found it on iTunes...
Bluesy Lil' Christmas...excellent work. Came across it in the 6 of the can, by far...(you should list Rickie Lee Jones as "similar artist")
Bobby , the Elvis singing elvis is a wonderful piece of songwriting, glad I found your page, thanks to Peter O commenting on the song. Well, done , brother.
Thanks Donovan....Came to me in a dream...seriously...too bad the structure makes in unmarketable....but I love it just the same...thanks again...
BC (wow, almost cryptic): Elvis Singing Elvis is what you do, (at least musically). hope all is well with you.
every so often, I am compelled to seek out this wonderful work. Elvis was never a favorite of mine, yet you made something so real - he was and shall remain a marker in time. KUDOs and Congrats my friend. you made him real to me. That Was Elvis Singing Elvis. . .
and, my good friend, she was so much a part of this adventure - did you ever re-connect? will you meet again in Paris? such good stuff, Bobby!
"That Was Elvis Singing Elvis"one of my all time favorites for many years now.Love that one Bobby..
Yup that one's in my favorites list too! Your voice really shines in this song.... So pure, no verb nothing just you! Makes it even more difficult, so clean and up front..... Well done to you sir! Best Floris
Bobby - Thank you for your review of my song, "Just The Way They Are," I really appreciate the feedback. I wish you well in your own musical endeavors ~ Nick
BC - what glad news and so well deserved!
Thanks Peter..
hey Bobby, Great job ! I'm sorry I missed out on "Third to Know". Hank
Yeah...thanks...I had to force it Susan Witzel helped me by slapping me and my lyrics around a bit...
RM, thanks for the generous review of "Forever". It's nice to know that some of my old stuff is getting through.
Hey Bobby I really dig "Forever"; it's going on my "Freakin Love It" playlist. Jeff
Third To Know...nice original and relevant song idea !
Bobby, What Did I Miss is a beautiful song. Nice job.
thanks Brian...and good input on your review...
Hey Bobby, finally I have some time to listen to songs. Peter pointed me towards your song "elvis". Straight to my playlist! love it.
Hey thanks....trying to sell it to an Elvis
hey, Bobby - heard you were growing some sideburns. . .
a Hunka hunka burning sides!
now, come outta the closet and show us your star spangled, bell bottomed, jump suit (and, don't fret over the missing sequins)
Who's side got burned? I don't get it ...... Hope you are ok there bobby! (playing the dumbass here :P )
Not to worry...if you "got it"...then you would need to worry..
now I don't get that! do I need to worry? :P (it's getting confusing hahah) so when does this occur.... this transition..... just like in the movies at a full moon? only instead you grab your guitar.... throw yourself at a random balcony and start singing " You are always on my mind....." ? hehe
hey, Bekker - you play it well :>)
Thanks! it comes naturally, a rare gift. (har har ) :P
Hey Bobby :) The lyrics to If You're Leaving Say Good-bye are so breathtaking and honest, every time I take another listen I catch another line that is fresh and brilliant. I've been reading over your other lyrics too, you truly are a pro. Great description and insight in all of them. I wish you much luck with your song!
Thanks Susan....I get lucky some times, but I could sure use some help...If I get stuck, can I enlist your expertise?
What an honor. Thanks and of course! A bunch of us used to get together to run by our stuff all the time, I guess we've all become more confident over the past 20 + years and don't do it as much. But it's good to have critical ears. So of course I ask the same favor from you!