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I liked this song. You have a very unique voice, and when harmonized with the lady, it's really cool. I like the concept of the song too.
Thank you!
Chris, Great Looking truck, does it run?? Oh, is that your house in the picture....Cool Pad!! Where is the Village in Florida?? We have several relatives that live there!! I don't like the Humidity, nor the Hurricanes!!! Toodles, The Corey's..............
When I wrote "Pick-Up Truck" song (newly added), I was looking for a truck to fit the song, and I saw this one, somewhere in Florida. I imagined that's my album cover. It's not my house. We live in the village of Fernandina in The Villages, FL.
Hey Chris, my relatives live in Naples, they all Got The Big Bucks!! We are just Honkies and live in So. California with barely any Humidity or Hurricanes! WE have Wild Fires, Drought and just got rid of a Stink Bug invasion!! They had landed in our front yard planter....probably a thousand of those little Bastards!! It cost me at least $200.00 in pesticides to deep Six them little Critters!! Toodles, The Corey's...........
Thanks for reviewing my songs "Live Flip Side", "Dream In Colors" and "Last Song". I am a novice at recording (as you could probably tell), but I love to write songs and sing. You stated that you do "back tracks". What does that mean? What would that entail? How much would it cost? Thanks, Chris PS - I have only worked solo thus far.
Hi Chris, although the track supporting you voice is weak, you have a strong voice. I build high quality, radio ready, tracks to be top lined by song writers, On my profile page there are over 350 tracks from Bluegrass to Funk. Anything we do together we split 50/50. My Nu
My number is (503) 810-7384 thanks Marvin
For Artists to sing, or play your songs, try looking at "Fiverr" site.
Couldn't hear the words, apart from something about drinking! The guitar drowned out the vocals! Chorus has potential. Song was very short!
Jim, thanks for the review. Can you tell me how I can add my lyrics? I'm new.
Hi Christopher, This site is not easy to navigate at all! Just ask anyone who has been here for a few years and they will know the lowdown! I just joined this year and have a basic, working knowledge now. To post Lyrics: First go to your lyrics and copy them! Then, on Broadjam entry, Go to "My Home" at top of page. Then "My Progress". Then "You have (?) songs uploaded, add/ edit. Then "Select Edit" Then, paste your Lyrics into box provided below! For your personal Info, "Posies" are small, delicate sweet smelling flowers. Have you heard the Rhyme, "Ring a ring a roses, A pocket full of posies? It was written about the plague in Britain years ago! Cupid's Arrow/dart through the Heart signifies Love! "Never Felt such perfect pain" = the ecstatic pain of Love. Some songs are given a narrow vocal range to suit the Mood and the Singer. One Night Stand could have TWO connotations. It does not necessarily mean the Extreme version! "Now I understand" refers to, having found someone they want to be with forever! Reviews should be constructive to fellow writers. Treat members as you would like to be treated yourself! Hope I have helped you insert your Lyrics! All the best in your song writing efforts here. Cheers, jim
Hi Christopher! Welcome to Broadjam! You'll have a lot of fun on here! Catnip=+=
Christopher, Thanks for the listen and review of "Chainsaw Weather". Welcome to broadjam, hope your stay is productive. Bill
Thanks Christopher for "the right on" review.. I've been looking for a good Pop Country vocalist....Let me know.. Thanks Marvin
I'm brand new to Broadjam, so I don't know what what your "let me know" is referencing. Thanks
Thanks if you want to collaborate..
Hi Christopher, Thanks for your review of Under Her Wing. You are quite right, there are a lot of words in the song and it is tough to sing, but it was written that way to try and differentiate it from the usual Country formula. (I'm having a few voice issues at this moment but might just give it another go when things are sorted.) I always try to find time to go to the site of the reviewer to have a listen and have just paid a quick visit to yours. You are obviously new to Broadjam so, first of all, welcome. It would be great to know a bit more about you and, in my humble opinion, it would benefit you (and visitors) greatly if you put a full profile up and complete all the necessary details about your songs. Of course BJammers will be interested but, if you plan to submit songs for opportunities, opportunity providers will want to know who contributed to the writing, music, production, whether you are with a publisher - and so on. It is definitely worth spending some time to provide a complete picture on your site. Good luck with your music and thanks again for the review. Bob
Hi Bob, thanks for your comments. I have lots of questions about Broadjam. First, I will update my profile as you suggest, but their system seems to be down right now. Rather than ask you a barrage of questions, is there a forum for Broadjam? I am brand new. Questions like: I did 10 reviews, so how do I get one of my songs reviewed? Is Broadjam the most suitable site for someone like me who loves writing songs but only has minimal instrumental skills to record only the most basic of recordings? Since my recordings are so basic, what words should I look for in the offers to submit songs? For example, does my type of submission qualify for "demo" offers? My ultimate goal is to have a recording artist use one of my songs, so what's the best exposure? Licensing submissions or contests?? Thanks, Chris PS - Nobody, currently, helps me write my lyrics, music or production.
Hi Chris, Just to point out that I'm only a user and not an expert, I'm only too pleased to help if I can. As far as I know there is no forum as such. However,, the FAQ/Help section (at the foot of the page) has lots of info about everything you mention here. Whether BJ is the right site or not is hard to answer, it holds many mysteries for a lot of us users! However, opportunities to submit songs for artists are not common in my experience because I'm in a similar boat to you, I would like to get my songs to the ears of established artists. But getting songs to artists in any shape or form is a tough ask, as you will already be aware. If you check out the BJ successes (under Music Licensing) the vast majority are songs being licensed for placements in films, tv etc., very few are pitched to artists. As regards the production quality of your songs, I need to be honest here. If you want to put them forward for any sort of opportunity, you need to put yourself in the place of the music supervisor, publisher etc.: It would have to be a damned exceptional song to hold your attention if you couldn't make out the lyrics/story, if the instruments were being badly played, if the singer is way off key or out of time...... What's more, where is the lyric sheet and information about the songwriter? If I were advising myself I would be saying work on the production of your song so that it is the highest quality you can make it - and get that profile and song data up to speed. (I am absolutely guilty of getting fed up with doing a part over and over and just putting the song up anyway!) But it's a bad move. Far better to leave it and go back again when you can and get every part as good as you can make it. OK it's just you and a guitar or two, but you can still get heard if you do it as well as you can. Of course the alternative is to do what many do on BJ, get a studio to record it for you, but that is big budget stuff, certainly more than I can justify. Contests or submissions? As someone who has entered songs in the UK Songwriting Contest every year for about 10 years, not many get picked up as far as I'm aware. I have no doubt US and other International contests will be similar. However, they can be really good for the ego and as a sort of confirmation of your talent, if you are successful in getting to the latter stages. That's enough for now Chris but I hope I have been able to help a little. Don't hesitate to come back if you need more help. Bob
Hi Bob, Thanks. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
You're welcome Chris
I just added lyrics (and other data) to each song. Hopefully you can check one of them out. Thanks.
Yep, that's just what you need Chris. It's a pain to do but it gives us all a chance to fully appreciate your lyrics.