David ADAM

David ADAM


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3 weeks ago to David ADAM

"Caged Lambs"....Nice brotherman!!....Well written /performed! This tune has the edge & attitude! Appreciate you trying to resurrect the Rock genre that's been dormant for a long time! Keep it coming- I'm listening!!
Tony Keys-BG

2 Replies
David ADAM
3 weeks ago

Thanks Anthony, listened a lot to Living Colour and Sevendust, I guess that's where the inspiration comes from :)

3 weeks ago


David ADAM
4 weeks ago to BroGreede

Hello Sir,
Thanks a lot for the multiple stars, much appreciated !

3 Replies
4 weeks ago

Sir?....lol....hey....please stop being formal.. you can reference me as TK(Tony Keys) if you like...My real name is Anthony....For a bro with 2 first names...yours is pretty cool indeed!! Reminds me of Sir Elton John...lol! You gotta call it when you hear it Dave!! Outstanding tunes deserve to be recognized! You've put out some outstanding intricate musical soundtracks that I've had the pleasure to listen to in the past. I personally think you're way beyond this site brotherman! And I wish you much musical success! If you ever find yourself listening to a BG tune again please listen with an open mind set! FYI BG is past tense-ended in 2011 when my brother suddenly passed...and 6 years later my other bandmate passed. A major double whammy-which turned my world upside down! So I remain on this site as a tribute to both of them-nothing more!! Not here for silly ratings...As you know music is nothing more than subjective! Bjam to me means only 3 things..my lasting tribute.....listening to & enjoying others musical talents and making some friends along the way-(the best one)!! That's it brotherman! There's so much talent out there it's mind boggling! Everyone deserves some recognition for their special talents-even if it's not in one's personal tastes or "cup of tea"!! I've been on this site for 24 years already-can't believe that! Just so you know-I would like to share this ...I have become disillusioned about how Bjam works and also saddened by how it's manipulated and used avariciously by others. I have legitimate concerns that need to be addressed by the owners! Unfortunately, after 2 contacts already it's falling on deaf ears...they haven't had the professional courtesy to address a customers concerns!? I haven't received a response to date and it's been over a month! Unprofessional to say the least! As to my concerns and to sum it up...it's all about being fair!!!...so every artist is treated equally & entitled to the same exposure! My concerns are actually concerns of many others as well! Unfortunately & sadly there are those artists that are all about themselves..dominate genres/subgenres...flooding in hundreds of tunes ...getting ratings of the same song over & over and in multiple sub-genres..deliberately mis-categorizing tunes in inappropriate genres..and there are more than this! This is not what Bjam should be all about! In my opinion...it's about musicians/upcoming and indie artists all helping & supporting each other-not being "cut-throat" & indifferent. This is total insanity and just so unfair! Plain and simple!! There are much better professional sites out there (hopefully you are on some) that offer a great platform incorporating fairness & exposure!! Sorry if I went off on a tangent! All you were doing is giving thanks-which I do appreciate...so thank you for reading all this. Looking forward to listening to more of your outstanding music-and wishing you continued musical success! Please consider a friendship-that also would be appreciated!
Thank you Dave-you Rock!!! You're one of the best on this site!!
If you would like to communicate for whatever reason and bypass Bjam please feel free to use one of my personal emails:
skyhawk772@gmail.com (yes...I'm a pilot)

Anthony Z-aka TK(Tony Keys)

David ADAM
4 weeks ago

Hey Anthony,
Thanks for the insights, I'm still new to that game and I'm a slow learner !
I get your point regarding how BJ works. Some things are a bit weird but I'm not aiming for charts anyway, just trying to get music synched, so I don't really care who's first. There are all kinds of people here from very amateur to pro sounding musicians. I've reviewed some of your songs and as you probably noticed, I try to be as honest as possible (not to say blunt) and come up with constructive criticism. Otherwise what's the point ?
I consider BJ as an opportunity to hear other's people music, help them to get better at what they produce with honest feedback whenever I can and get some tracks on air.
Odds to have a track picked up seem rather low but at least everyone's get a chance. It's still better than what this business was 20 years ago when you needed to be part of an elitist club to get your music selected :)
I appreciate your candor and again thanks for the stars. It's always nice to hear that what has come out of this little home studio, most of us have I guess, has at least found a receptive ear !
Take care,

4 weeks ago

Hey Dave...thanx for reaching out! I couldn't agree with you more! I guess what my overall point was that I've seen so much negative change in terms of the way it was on Bjam way back 20+years ago that I'm a little down on some issues. Probably even more so that when voicing my concerns & offering some advice for being a paying musician no one appears to care which is disheartening! Anyway...all said...and moving on!

Wishing you continued musical success!!

Anthony Z

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hey David,

Nice to meet you. Thanks for the review of my song, "Paradise". This is a recording from 1974, recorded solo at Wally Heider's
Studio in San Francisco. It was supposed to be part of my third album for Kama Sutra, but the record Compnay was sold and I got caught in the then corporate entanglement.... but I held on to the tune. I do a lot of soundtrack orchestration and other genres that lean acoustic. These days my sync clients are really looking for more of that and they are turning away from BEATS...they want real drums... I've been told not to use AI on anything or it will be rejected. Just got a 2 album sound-track album with Warner's with those instructions. Interesting. They like it simple.... anyway, Just sharing what I hear. Hope you are doing well. I checked out a few of your tracks and they are great.... Best, Chet Nichols

5 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Really enjoyed the guitar track, the vocals, the Keziah Jones feel to it. Using AI is rather pointless ... I tried Suno.ai, well it works but it never generates something really original. This may evolve over time though. It's hard to have something synced today, it will probably get harder as some productions / studios will go for an easy cheap way to generate background music I guess

David ADAM
over 30 days ago

oh BTW, we kinda met before as I already reviewed some of your tracks and you reviewed some of mine as well ;)

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

It is VERY hard to get anything SYNC-ed these days because there is SO Much music available...and what my sources are saying is, "Because it is all sounding 'the same', they are looking for more authentic, unique sounding tracks"...that is why they are using so much vintage material these days. The ultimate choice comes from directors and producers and the sound editors....they are a different bunch. I know, because I used to do that for 40 years...now I just do music....well, sorta....I do DO my wife's "Honey-DO-List", too.

I was in LA several moons ago and they had these huge dumpsters behind a famous recording studio that were the final resting places of TONS of discarded CDs, tapes, submissions....you name it. Actually quite shocking and unnerving.

David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Music placement is still a rather new business to me as making music has never been my daily job. I've spent years trying to make it big as an amateur musician in a rock band (never happened of course) so I've been switching from the process of writing regular rock albums to one shot instrumentals based on specific requirements but right from the start I considered that having something picked up for sync was like winning the lottery. Yes, it can happened but you've got 1 chance over millions :) (which is as much as the chance to become a rock star after all)

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Amen.....but, I was born with it under my skin.....

Hi again David,
Looks like you got a couple more of mine "Moods of Electra" and "Oceans Away". As you observed, those are older pieces that have some older VSTs and older "ideas" from yours truly! LOL

I appreciate you listening and taking the time to provide your perspectives... thanks!


Ante Novaselic
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Whats up David. Thx for the review of my song Home. That is one of my older songs recorded in my parents garage back in 2004 or 05 on a Tascam 8 track cassette Portastudio and some outboard gear, then mixed/mastered digitally in a pro studio. I kinda want to try to record it again but I doubt that I would be able to capture the vibe of the original recording. So I have been putting it off for 15 years Lol!!! One day I will come around to doing it....maybe. Lol
Thx again Adam


1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Grunge / post-grunge era still works for me everytime so this one was easy on my ears :)

Hi David,
It's been a minute hasn't it? Thanks for the review of "Make a Wish". As always, I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide considerate and meaningful perspectives.

I'll check some more of your stuff while I'm here.

Have a great one!


David Michael Malinich
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hi David. Thank you for the friend request. I only had time to skim your stuff but it's very cool! Are you doing your own vocal work?

2 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey, I used to but on the recent tracks, it's a friend of mine who handles the vocals

David Michael Malinich
over 30 days ago

Nice! Just curious as most composing I do does not include vocal, but occasionally I'm looking for a session singer. Great work on the music, keep at it!

over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

So a Christmas song with 160 plays, no reviews and no playlists is #1 in the Earth chart, the North America Chart, the United States chart and 5 others in April. Everything is normal in Broadjam world then............................

4 Replies
Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dear Bob Bentley, Let the Good Times Roll, with that kind of LUCK!! Wink, Wink, Nod, Nod... I just had to write that reply sorry!! Hee Hee!!
Art Corey

David ADAM
over 30 days ago

I actually gave 5 stars to that Xmas song (which is pretty damn good for the genre), not sure it deserves the top of the podium though. Some people pay for promotion so I guess that helps songs to reach the BJ skies

over 30 days ago

There's nothing wrong with the song David, just how things work on here at the moment! Not just the top of one podium, top of 7 podiums, for a song most people are most unlikely to play in late April.
The charts have long been a mystery to me, and they're not getting any easier to understand. However, it seems that now those who pay for song promotions automatically dominate the whole shebang, it's not particularly subtle and has simply undermined any kudos there once was for getting chart places.
Let The Good Times Roll indeed Art!

Patrick E. Muth/Catnip Pat
over 30 days ago

Good and honest reply here Bob i think the promos messed things up a bit but--that's business! catnip=+=

David ADAM
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hey folks,
Is it me or the ratio of requests terminated as "ultimately not selected" is pretty high (meaning they preselect a bunch of songs but none ends up actually selected)

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hey David,.thank you kindly for all the stars on "Winning Streak" very generous! Cheers TK

2 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

This is a very good track, so those stars are well deserved ;)

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

THX AGAIN. It's hot off the stove. Just submitted to five Nashville contacts,.looking for an Artist cut. I've come very close before, we'll see what the Universe thinks. LOL

Many thanks for the 5 * on Jealously, much appreciated !

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You're welcome David, Great stuff!
LC Team

David ADAM
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Many thanks for the 5 * on Jealously, much appreciated !

David ADAM
over 30 days ago to Randy Calligan

Hey Randy,
Thanks a lot for the review of The Heist :)
I've had the chance to review at least two of your tracks (Aventure Theme and the Great Randini I think) which I really appreciated so your opinion does mean something to me. Did you manage to place Adventure Theme ? If I'm not mistaken I think this one was picked for a Indiana Jones kind of movie

1 Replies
Randy Calligan
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your kind comments. Ive never placed anything in my life unfortunately, so I finally decided to simply write because I love doing it.

Thanks a lot for all the 5 stars !

1 Replies
Edmond and Carol Nicodemi
over 30 days ago

Back atcha! Your music is cool, from the rock songs through the sci-fi soundtrack stuff. It was great to get a 5 star review from someone who is talented.

over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Thanks for the 5star #don't be afraid

1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

top notch rap song !

Ante Novaselic
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

David thank you for the ***** of my song INA. Much appreciated man!

1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey Ante,
Very good track, as always

Randy Calligan
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hi David... thank you so much for your great review of my piece "Adventure theme" I really appreciate it.

1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey Randy,
I meant every single word, including the ref to John Williams !

HI David,
Thanks for another review... this time it was on "Linus to Lucy". I appreciate the time and thought you put into your feedback.

I'll have a listen to some more of your stuff while I'm here.

Thanks again... and as always, be and stay well,

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hi David! Many many thanks for giving your review and thoughts of my piece 'November Rain' the other day as I appreciate it very much. I have now remixed it and sorted the levels out and I hope it's better now. Have listened to some of your work and it's really really cool! Best wishes, Paul

2 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey Paul,
Way better !

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Thanks again, Dave!

David ADAM
over 30 days ago to Jon Babb

Hey Jon,
Thanks a lot for your kind and thorough review of "Lost in Colorado", appreciated.

2 Replies
Jon Babb
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, David! I love your work!

Take care of yourself,

David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Just discovered yours, loved all your Neo classic tracks ! There is a John Williams touch to them :)

christine schimanski
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Thanks David for the 5 stars on Love Comes Close. I'm glad you liked it. Have a great and happy New Year! Christine

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hey David, thank you for all the Stars on "Living For The Moment" So kind. Cheers. TK

1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Good song and great production !

HI again David,
Thanks for the review of "White Out". That's an older one that I put together after spending time on a cold/windy winter morning working to clear snow from our foot paths and driveway.

I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide your perspectives... useful and insightful.

I'll have a listen to a couple of your songs while I'm here.

Thanks again,

Thanks a lot for the 5 stars on USCSS Manticore !

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are Welcome as always my friend1
LC Team

Hi David,
Thanks for the taking the time to listen to and review "Desert Run".

I really appreciate the detailed, comprehensive review. Your perspectives and observations are useful and considerate.

Thanks again!

As always... be and stay well,

1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, always a pleasure. I've been reviewing a lot of your tracks and at some point I'm almost able to recognize your style but not on this one. Not sure why !

Hi David,
Thanks for the reviews and perspectives on "John's New England Fall" and "One Red Rose Interlude".

I appreciate you listening and providing useful and thoughtful comments/perspectives.

Thanks again!

Be and stay well,

Hi again David,
Thanks for the reviews/comments on "The One" and "Sweet Dixie Bride". I appreciate you listening and providing your feedback.

Thanks again!


over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Thanks again David for reviewing one of my songs, this time The Moonlight. Much appreciated.



Miguel Capelo1504361
over 30 days ago to David ADAM


Thanks for checking out my stuff.


Miguel Capelo

2 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey Miguel,
Some very good stuff, notably "I've got nothing to confess" which reminds of the best from NIN

Miguel Capelo1504361
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hi David, Many thanks for your kind review of The Drawing Room - The Song. It was originally composed as a piano based instrumental, quite a feat for me as a guitar player, but then Cyndi Corkran (Cyn) approached me with the lyrics and desire to record the vocal - and it went from there. I enjoyed the challenge and the project.
Thanks again,


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