
Previous Comments

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Suite Sauce

WOW! Thanks for the review! I just found out that a clip got pasted in a measure way back in a track. I'll fix that. --David

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to mr5torm

Thanks for your review of my 'Sinfonia'. It started out as a counterpoint excersise. Too much reverb. Going to remix. --David

Suite Sauce
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Sorry you saved your song incorrectly??

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Rich Aveo

Rich--Thanks for the review of my Piano Prelude. I used the Garritan Steinway and my trusty Yamaha E403 keyboard. It was written for a promotional ad. I played it. Classical training pays off!

2 Replies
Rich Aveo
over 30 days ago

awesome.....great work

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Thank you, Rich!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Fred Kimmel

Fred--Thanks for the review of 'Storm Into Dawn'. I'm still working on my production skills. Any tips are welcome!!! ---David

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to HarryBudini

Thanks for the review of my piece! It was a lion documentary. They wanted 1 theme for 1 pride & another for the second one. Then combine them at the end. Yes, I always write for a live orchestra. Glad you noticed that. I hope you review more of my work. --David

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, David.

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Nathaniel--You are right and I'm budgeting for upgrades. I still believe that I'm not using what I have to it's fullest potential. I used sections for 'Storm' and didn't add any more players to the mix. I'm 61 and want to be successful with this business. I was an 'in demand' arranger back in the 70's and worked as a musician with some pretty big time acts who had hits, etc. But I do understand that my best is not good enough--I have to be THE best. I'm a tough old man and will prevail. You have been most kind! I appreciate that. ---David

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Thanks for the review of 'Storm Into Dawn'. The customer wanted a Zimmer "Inception' type score. I'm working hard on my production skills. Really liked what you had to say and would like to get any advice you may offer. Milton Nelson was my teacher. I thought you may know him. I appreciate your honesty & diplomatic way of criticising! A rare quality to have!

2 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

The pleasure was certainly mine.


Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

Oh... And I was serious about those upgrades. You'll need them to hit your client's expectations.

The good news is once you get those tools... You can raise your rates:)


David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Fred Kimmel

Thanks again for the review of my Lion Cue. I had to be careful not to put too much in here as there was dialogue to consider. The drums are too thin at the beginning but if I beefed them up they were too much. Go figure! Good review from a trusted man!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Fred Kimmel

Thank you for the nice review of my 'Action/Thriller Movie Cue'! Yes, it was chaotic. A gun store robbery, shootout, an FBI agent in a heli, and then the title theme. I constructed my own tonal system for it. Best to you! ---David

Chip Salerno
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Thank you for the very kind review of ORDEAL AT SEA Most appreciated!

1 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

You're welcome. Very good work! Where did you study?

Suite Sauce
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Thanks David:I guess you don't know the system. I guess you review didn't go threw.Thanks SS

2 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Oops! I hit 'submit'. I'll try again.

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

I saw N/A in my reviews. Anyway, I liked your piece. Very dramatic opening. The only thing is that it was too short!!! I wanted MORE!!! Keep up the great work.

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to KarenLoveless7023930

Thanks for the review! Much appreciated. Keep your music coming!!!

Matt Plastico
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Sent you a friend request.

2 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

How do I friend you?

Matt Plastico
over 30 days ago

Go to "my home" and you should see the request from me there.

Matt Plastico
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Great review. Agreed on the Schnerr drum (had to do it!). Honestly, I do want the way you stated. Would love new samples.... $$. Thx again.

3 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Matt: HAHAHA!!! I lived with 'Schnerr Drum' until I was 10!!! You brought back old memories!!!Try a big earth drum. I like your piece.

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Matt: Check out my 'Storm Into Dawn'. Let me know what you think. (No Schnerr Drum in it though....)!!!

Matt Plastico
over 30 days ago

Will do asap!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Well, I'm back. Hope you like my new offerings. I look forward to hearing yours!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Jono--congrats on the new chart position. Develop this style and you will do well. Ya gotta have more for 'em, or you'll be a one hitter! Go for it!

Tim Dawson
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Hi David - just want to say thanks for the review of my piece 'Farewell Theme'. This is without a doubt the most useful review I have ever had on BJ!

2 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Thanks Tim. I like the piece--just needs a little more work (just like the rest of us!). Don't give up on this one--it is NICE. Keep in touch with me.


Tim Dawson
over 30 days ago

I'll give it a shot and let you know when it's done. Thanks again.

Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Hey thanks again for the great review!!

1 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

You are most welcome! I figured it was you!!!!!!

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago to Jono Fosh

Jono--Car Crash is a hit! It is a beautifully created and crafted piece. Great arrangement. You have a very nice voice. Do you belong to a PRO that can help you promote this song? I live in Indiana, USA. You need to get this song out there. Don't give up on it!


Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

My Humble thanks for your review. It is much appreciated.

1 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Benjamin, You are welcome. I had listened to other works by you and wondered if that 'mystery song' was yours! I almost put that in my review. Let's stay in touch.

Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago to Benjamin Stone

More and more, I gotta agree, with those who say the review process needs some revisions. I would put it to the Broad jam administrators, that it should be broken into tiers. MoB and PMoB classifications of members should not be subjected to the non-paying member's reviews. In almost every instance of a hack review, me or one of my connection is subjected to the flippant, ignorant, or angry reviewer, who, 99 times out 100 is a non-paying member of BJam. Those of us who pay serious money here, and take this place seriously should not have to be subjected to hacks who pay nothing yet have equal say in the review process. I am Cc-ing this post directly to Mr. Elkins. But please my friends, my connections, tell me if you agree.

10 Replies

I'm with you, Benjamin. Bjam did a survey on the review process a month or two ago and I was one of the participants. I'm pretty sure one of my suggestions was some sort of qualification process like you mentioned for reviewers. I can see why the site would want to encourage the public to tune in, listen, purchase songs, etc., but allowing random reviews seems a little too much. Of course, the situation whereby our only reviewers are other musicians/songwriters doesn't seem right either.

Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago

I would love any review that was hyper critical and actually gave me some new bristling insight, some method, technique, or mastering tips that i was not already aware of. I am sick of pseudo-musicians giving me the pop-culture addled aesthetic judgments with no technical insights, no audio insights, no composition insights, no theory insights, no instrumentation insights.

they share just their blanket ignorant opinion based solely in their understanding, however feeble, of aesthetics. And when they give low marks...because they generally do (they give low marks to anyone who's composition in review is aesthetically superior to their own works). It is lame......a testament to lameness and an unjust consequence of mixing those who seek to be excellent with those who want to pretend to seem like artists. And it is a fact that there are more hacks who are non-paying members with pipe dreams, than hacks who pay.

Those who want to pay, and want to get their money's worth, are serious about improving themselves. Hence they do. Those who pay nothing are serious about nothing and treat all they encounter with like seriousness.

Well, you bring up an excellent point for fellow pros/semi-pros and one that I always try to put forth in my own reviews: give creative and technical advice (that's based on understanding of the genre and successful approaches).

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

I agree with 98% of the above. If I understand the process correctly the non-paying or lower priced memberships have to review ten songs to get one of theirs reviewed. I think some of them just blow through as many reviews as possible coming back to the computer every three minutes to mark numbers. I've had many reviews from this group (the 25 pt format) in which they've gone straight down the line and marked all 1/5 or 3/5 for everything and about 5 words total comment split between positive and negative. These other format membership levels probably average about 15 points below the other rated reviews. So basically, you get five good (in terms of helpful with realistic scores) reviews, climb to the top of a Top Ten chart, and then one guy who is eating a tuna sandwich and watching Wheel of Fortune sends you back 100 positions.

Ian Kenny
over 30 days ago

Hey Guys,...Me too ! fact I've taken a little break from having any of my stuff open for review....'cause a lot of the "nubies" and or Hacks as you call 'em Benjamin flexing their power in the review process ...but I gotta say, it's a bit of a mission impossible for Roy and the Team to get everything sorted so that we're all saying Broadjam does great things for we just gotta play it the way we see it...'till it all gets sorted out....or
Personally ...Bjam has done so much for me...I now have a completely new studio....Totally replaced everything in my studio with prizes I've been fortunate to win here on Broadjam Comp's I tend to put up with things I would like to see change.....realizing that Bjam can only do it's best with the technology they can afford and what's possible to achieve with the servers they use...I'm sure they must be subsidizing some areas in the Bjam machine ..... Hey Benjamin...if ya need mastering tips...I'm sure Nathaniel has dn't wish for the future in Broadjam....would be great to have different departments like....Really Playing Dept....and...really using samples Dept.....and...WTF is This Dept...and any other department anyone wants to add. ....but like I said...Thanks Broadjam !

David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

I will always be honest and constructive in my reviews. Everyone here should do that too. I look at this site as an extension of ASCAP and want my peers to evaluate my work honestly. If someone truly doesn't like something of mine, just tell me. But I would not like to see reviews like one would see on You Tube by total morons. I did a review today of a song that I thought was good, but it really hurt to have to tell them that it would need more work to be worthy. I appreciate your thoughts and support your ideas here.

Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago

Hi everyone, great stuff here.

I agree that Broad Jam does a great job. But the aim of my thread was to distinguish between paying and non-paying members. ANd highlight the good that the paying members do in contrast with the bad that the non-paying members can cause. And with a few minor policy and site changes it could be made better (for those of us who pay).

I see that everyone who so far posted here is a PMoB. And therefore more thoughtful and concerned about the process because we have bought a stake in Broad Jam. We actually care about the success of each other. Because lets face the facts, if we are more successful with licensing then more and more providers will come knocking at Broad Jam's door.

That show of trust by us ought to equivocate to a separation of us from.....them. For the good of professionalism and profit, for both we, the creators of substance her, and for Broad Jam, the facilitator of our products to several different markets.

Ian Kenny
over 30 days ago

Nice one Benjamin !...I take your point about the thread you intended....I ranted a'm with you ....I think maybe more could be done to separate the facilities of the paying and non-paying members.

over 30 days ago

Man you guys are lucky. I havent had a review since this time last year. im so hard up for a review i would love the non paying members to give me a great review. Although I am hearing you I have had one review where the guy actually gave me some constructive advice and I only just get what he was talking about now (2 years later).

over 30 days ago

you guys are harsh man. give the new guys a break. I was new once and a free (loader) member.

over 30 days ago to David Schnerr

Thank you David. Your comments are useful and much appreciated. I did enjoy listening to your piece titled Spirit Free. It is a moving melody light and happy but it touches deeper emotional wells in a gentle but poignant way. Beautiful reflective piece. Joseph

1 Replies
David Schnerr
over 30 days ago

Thanks! I still have to learn how to record this stuff. The arrangement was supposed to have flute and oboe provide some movement, but all of the tech issues wore me down!

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