
Previous Comments

The Nathaniel Hardy Project
over 30 days ago to Davoyce

Thank you for your "Honest" opinion of my song. I was told the same thing once when there was this site where you uploaded the song you were working on and artist around the world would contribute to your project. This site "Tocar" was shut down before I could get a "Bass Guitarist". I will work on this. :)

over 30 days ago to Davoyce

Thanks for the stellar review of "Back Home" . For that song i am actually the writer/producer, and the female vocal is an artist reference. Love your song Thinking About You! Well done. Has a very R. Kelly vibe.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Also thanks for another great review of Rewind! This time I'm the singer haha. Thanks again!

over 30 days ago to brother love

I really like what you do man. Your R&B material is well written and organized. Your melodies and ad libs feel in the pocket to me, and that is something i strive to improve myself. In terms of the country tracks, I am really impressed with your versatility. Keep it up!

4 Replies
brother love
over 30 days ago

thank you for that comment i've send those some songs that you just said were well written to a lot of company's on hear and they said that they are not well written but i know that they are written well they just don't know a hit song when they hear one that just makes me thank that this company is out for money only and there all together on this but thank again for you're comment

over 30 days ago

You know big time countries are tricky man. I feel as though most companies these days are trying to keep up with whats going on already, and because of that, lyrics get sacrificed. Verses get shorter, simpler, and weightless. They forget that vocals, lyrics, and the beat all help to make a good, successful song. you cant sacrifice any of those and expect to produce something of great quality, no matter what the numbers may be.

brother love
over 30 days ago

thank for that as well you seem like you know a good song and lyrics when you hear one seems like you are more qualified then they are they know that all of my songs are well written and hit's and maybe they really don't know people in the industry cause every time i turn around there coming at me with oh this company is looking for this type of song and when i give it to them just what there asking for they say that it's not what there looking for then they try to get another $15 a song out of me and they know i have hit and well written song they want money that's it i wouldn't be surprised if a class action suit be brought upon this company i'm just waiting i feel it's going to happen i will not do it but if they do i'll get right on it i have from day one all the money and times i send and nothing has been taking but one and there still not doing anything with it that's the country song titled we're both lonely now
it's just a matter of time and i don't care who read this message from there company again thank for you're honest comment

Randall Rutledge
over 30 days ago

Great material my friend keep up the good work well keep up the great work.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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