
Previous Comments

thanks for the 5 star rating of Mr Clutch! Not sure how we are going to use this composition yet...

1 Replies
The Cut Soundtracks
over 30 days ago

It's a little quirky but very slick production and composition. You'll find a fit for it.

HI Cortez, a couple of months ago, oyu selected Time Keeps Passing me By (Revised) and we just wanted to follow up with you on any news you might be able to share about this selection. Thanks again for selecting us!

Eclectic Soul Orchestra

Cyclops Cow
over 30 days ago to Eclectic Soul Orchestra

Hi. I have to appologize, I wrote a review of your song, "The Pressure". I focused so much on writing and forgot to rate for all of the category-questions provided. And so it looked like I gave an incomplete review with a score of 8 / 15. I am very sorry for that and please understand that I did like the song, just a few comments/criticisms to offer.

1 Replies
Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago

I do appreciate the clarity and I understand-I'm guilty of an accidentally negative review but I also appreciate the critisms as well

Douglas Amell
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thanks so much Ionut for the 5-stars and playlist adds for "Episode" and "Sentinel". As always, your support is so very much appreciated. :-)

8 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Doug!

Nick Hodrosky
over 30 days ago

Thanks Ionut for liking my songs!
Nick Hodrosky FALDO750 Music

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for being supportive of my music, you always listen to my new songs. Thank you for the support and the play list adds for hardbitten and Lord I worship you.

Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the 5 star rating and know that I love your music as well!

Naomi Rhi
over 30 days ago

Thanks Ionut for rating my music and adding some to your playlist! It has made my day.

Lisa Vivienne
over 30 days ago

Hi Ionut, thank you for the 5 star rating on Tree of Life and the playlist ads! Your support is awesome! Regards, Lisa

Howard Lee Naylor
over 30 days ago

Hey thanks for 5 star rating, very nice. I just released the album possibilities we'll see where it go?

over 30 days ago

Thanks so much for the 5 star rating on "Extraordinary", It is appreciated! Chris

Hi ESO, I owe you an overdue thanks for your great review of "Out of the Gaze". I'm digging your Ulrich Schnauss meets Zero 7 sound. Time Keeps Passing is *very* cool!! ~Jeff

Well done. I like the interplay and variety of the various instruments. There is a lot going on, but all the voices stand out clearly without stepping on each other. Good background music to listen to as I watch the Cubs beating the Dodgers :)

You have a great voice and a very classic feel to your music

1 Replies
Thomas E. McCue
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your review of C'mon Grandpa, a song I wrote primarily for all of us grandparents coping with the issues that come with babysitting toddlers. Although I have received highly positive reviews and remarks from those who have heard the song, I also realize that we all have different tastes in music which I assume reflects the 1s that you gave it. I did, however, find your comments to be mostly positive and I thank you for them.

2 Replies
Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago

I am so sorry I was trying to give high marks because I actually liked the song ! You are not the first one to say I gave low scores so I do apologize but I'm not quite sure how the ratings system works still

Thomas E. McCue
over 30 days ago

Understood. Actually, after rereading your review, I find it to be very acceptable and helpful. Getting honest input from other musicians is the best way to improve my craft. I am somewhat limited with the production as I cannot afford a professional studio and do all my recording and production on my home computer. The bottom line is that I do it primarily for the fun of it and I appreciate folks like you taking the time to listen to and review my songs.

Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago to Earl.C.Webb

I really appreciate your honest review. While I don't agree that there's no recurring theme in the song, I definitely agree that the drums could use some attention, which is something I have struggled with trying to perfect for this particular song. In listening to other drum tracks for songs of similar structure, I may have found a solution.

In any event, thanks again.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Well done..I'll be interested to hear it when done, let me know
Best to you

I find it amazing the different views on one piece of music. Your terrible review of "Going Back to Where I've Never Been" was not meant to be a cookie cutter song written based on a formula. Perhaps it is in the wrong category but to get that kind of score you gave me is offensive. I only give 1's for the worst songs I review. I have gotten previous reviews of this song with all 5's. This song has also received the Global Musical award for Jazz, and has been nominated for the Hollywood Music in Media Award. I am truly offended by your review. Saying that, thank you for taking the time to at least do the review process.

3 Replies
Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

FYI, I only give 1's for the worst of the worst songs that have no value, are totally amateurish and are recorded so terrible it is hard to listen to. I just wonder what your thought process was.

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

I just found this response from Eclectic Soul Orchestra:
Hello Mr. Messina,

I never intended to give such a low score for the piece I heard! I never would have thought that what I rated it as was any lower than 4. I'm new to the site and the rating system. I actually thought very highly of the sax piece as well as the string arrangements, and after hearing the song again through better earphones, I began to realize why its held in such high regard. Please accept my apology for your fine work.

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

I appreciate his/her response, and wish them good luck with their Broadjam experience.

sarah good
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Hi Ionut! Hope you are doing well over there and having nice weather. Thank you for the 5 star and playlist additions for the latest songs! I really appreciate it! Take Care,


4 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Sarah!

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the five stars on midweek. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for always supporting my songs.

Tasha Parker Gibbs
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much for the playlist add and the 5 star rating! It means much that you listen :)

Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much man! I'm glad you enjoy our sounds and please share any thoughts you have!

over 30 days ago to Paul Messina

Hi Thanks for the good review Paul and generous scores. cheers. take it easy

4 Replies
Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

"Take All the lovin" is a beautiful song!!!

over 30 days ago

Thanks Paul. that was the solo version . the main version i done with Cyndi Corkran and Frank Radice which is on my page somewhere. cheers

Eclectic Soul Orchestra
over 30 days ago

Hello Mr. Messina,

I never intended to give such a low score for the piece I heard! I never would have thought that what I rated it as was any lower than 4. I'm new to the site and the rating system. I actually thought very highly of the sax piece as well as the string arrangements, and after hearing the song again through better earphones, I began to realize why its held in such high regard. Please accept my apology for your fine work.

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the response. Good luck with your Broadjam experience. It will take you on quite a nice ride.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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