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OverTheAir Radio
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

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Abram Band
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Eric MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! across the Oceans much Goodness Abram Band...........D&J

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Hi Amy thanks for my review of another door how's the collaboration effort going?

over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

I MADE MY 25th year sober today--YAY!--cheers--joe.----been waiting for this one for a long while!

5 Replies
calvin mcfarland
over 30 days ago

Happy anniversary. :-0

Al Hovden
over 30 days ago

Way to go Joe!

Buc Williams
over 30 days ago

Congrats Joe! How have you been? Haven't talked to you in a while. How all's well! Buc

over 30 days ago

A big milestone for you Joe. Keep positive.

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

Well done mate DeDe let us know you had an operation as well all the best to you and a speedy recovery Eric

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Hi Amy thank you very much for your review of my song another Door wish you the best Eric

David D. Mason
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Thank you for your very generous review of "A Waltz for Beth" Eric, she is my granddaughter and she is five years old today. What about that for a coincidence.

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

A beautiful piece she has a gift for life well done you and all the best to you and your family. Eric

Abram Band
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Listen is wonderful Eric! Hope all is going well keep doing what you are doing real good work going on! Abram Band Dean & Jacalyn

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

Thank you hope to put another couple up soon. Really appreciate you comments. sorry its been a while just moved to another town and have been busy setting things up. All the best Eric

DeDe Wedekind
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Thanks Eric for the 5 stars on Rock Those Jingle Bells! Take care and Merry Christmas! DeDe :)

Jacqueline Cuba Norkin
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Hi again .... just listened to your music.... You have an incredible voice! I hear a touch of Elvis!..... 'Another Door' is well done! Best of luck to you...

Jacqueline Cuba Norkin
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Thank you so much for your 5 star review of 'Guardian Angel'...... From one artist to another you know how much that is appreciated. Best to you with your music..... jackie

Thx so much for the 5-star on That November! ~GP

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Trist

Love I don't wanna ride the wave bro well done

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

hi cheers Eric and thanks for the stars. much appreciated

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Nick Berry

Hey Nick thanks for your kind review of my song Another Door. cheers Eric

Charles Bunting
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Hey Eric
Thank you so much for listening to "She thinks She knows"
Thanks for the Stars too

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Stan Flowers

Hi Stan thanks for your review of my song Another Door really appreciate it. Eric

Abram Band
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Eric good to see you, When I first joined, I reviewed your song. Nice pic up! Sail on thanks for the endorsement very very much. Abram Band

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

All good thank you and all the best. Eric

Hi Shirah thanks for you review of my song Another Door, appreciate your comments and taking the time to listen. All the best Eric.

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Signal 30

Hey you thanks so much for your review of my song Another Door all the best Eric

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to communikate

thanks for your review of my song Listen cheers Eric

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Hey Eric, thank you for reviewing my song Hi Heels....SMILES2U Sincerely, ME

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

All good SMILE2U back

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Miranda Gil

Hi Miranda I listened to Shine, Foolish and Wanna Love you great songs, good production and great vocals. I have no doubt you will be successful so go hard and live your dream, Kind Regards Eric

Miranda Gil
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Eric, thanks for your comments about my songs!!!! Sorry somehow your comment got deleted, please pre post - Miranda

1 Replies
over 30 days ago


Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Jordin Baas

Hey Jordin just watched your video nice work good song great vocals well done. All the best to you, regards Eric

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

this story goes beyond popular - what a shame it still exists. God Bless for telling her story.

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

Thanks Peter all the best Eric

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to Freqology

Hey man appreciate you taking the time to listen to my song Another Door. Will check out your work thanks again Eric

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

hey Eric, you're definitely a Keepa! (like you haven't heard that one before...LOL) and thank you sir for your kindness on When I See You...i really dig your Another Door final version man, and will give it a 5 when i push the right buttons...peace Warren Hein

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

nice one Warren yep heard that before haha. Thanks for your support there is so much good music on here its cool to connect with others and get their thoughts and comments on your work. hanks again mate take care Eric

over 30 days ago to Trist

will be no more reviews from me. or 6 pack or anything until i get some decent reviews back in
return , i do good reviews i actually mention
the song and rate everything to the song itself
not anything else. until someone can do the same i quit. i'm not here to polish other peoples shoes then watch while they walk all over me.
There's some great artists and some good reviewers but god almighty some people its like being reviewed by 12 year olds

13 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Man, Tistyn..!!.That is such a shame!!!.we have to put things in perspective when we are doing reviews!!...we are not all pros here..In fact most of us are until then, instead of critical criticism there should be constructive criticism With some positive words!!!.....yes this is a tough industry ..but let's save the bitter critiquing .....we are all here to make improvements. .yes..but followed by positive words to bring us up as well to keep our eyes focused on the truth of our own music! !!!:)))......AMEN.

over 30 days ago

yeah, i just want reviews where they actually mention the song. and base the score on the song itsself and is
just. i expect the near to the same as i give others.but when its really poor reviewing to the point where you'd expect it from a kid not a musican.2's across the board on one song. thats not reviewing thats a insult. i might as well write about roomsticks and chicken fillets if the lyrics are a 2.
its not good enough. there's no respect for other peoples work. i try to be more critical but ims till giving good scores in the 40's cause im rating the song, the vocals to the song the music to the song the lyrics to the song. not to some other song but the one im hearing. its a shame some people cant do the same. i dont mind bad reviews but ignorant
ones that tell me nothing about the song really make me mad lol .

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

LOL....Yup I hear ya!!!!!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Tristyn, I feel your frustration, and can comisserate with you completly. I have all but stopped reviewing through the "review process", (except for the 6 pack contest), for I found the same kinds of descrepencies and rude comments. Any given song could be a 5/5, then someone else would give the same song a 1/1 . While some artists try to be objective and offer constructive advise, others will put you down, in my opinion, for that old selfish and absurd way of thinking or theory of, "cutting someone else down, to build up one's own ego".......Anytime the ego takes over, when reviewing others' music, it can be very destructive.

My own music, and I think I may speak for so many of us, is an extention of my feelings, my emotions, my thoughts about struggle, life, love, death, et al. It doesn't matter what anyone else has to say about it, since I would implode if I could not express what my heart feels. For someone else to tell me that it's "no good", is simply their opinion, which is fine, but don't base a supposedly helpful review, in that context. If you don't like it, don't listen to it.

My delight is 'going out' on my own and discovering other artists and their music, and commenting when I feel it! I always try to offer good vibes and words that construct, not destruct.

Your music is so real and heartfelt; your lyrics, really tell a story that captivate, and your smooth vocals are perfect for your expression! Please do not get discouraged with your art, only with the vehicle of the review process, in the hands of those who don't care about others. Constructive advice can be obtained by the professionals, if you are seeking that. All the rest can go by the wayside! "Dust your feet off, and go forth!"

over 30 days ago

cheers cyndi. i try not to say anything as most is the whole ying and yang of making music some will get it some wont and some wont even try thats fine thats life we all expect that. i dont make safe music
so i know what to expect sometimes i dont mind if someone doesn't like a song as long as they are fair about the ingrediants they might not like the cake they might hate choclate cake but doesn't mean the ingrediants are bad lol im abig believer in respecting other peoples work whether we like it or not is irrelevant as as muscians songwriters we should know what goes into it where it comes from and what its about. rather than dismiss it like some kid throwing alolly away cause he doesn't like the flavour lol. so to speak.

i like your way of thinking cyndi and your right construct not destruct.i like that songwriters are buiders not destroyers. there's a song in there somewhere lol
thanks for the nice comments and words of wisdom and good luck in the 6 pack.nice to see some on my connenctions doing well. ty

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Yes, absolutely agree! And that, I believe, is where the professional reviewers, are objective. Might not be their favorite genre, or they might not be drawn to the song itself, but to respect, as you say, all of the ingrediants that go into it!

And please don't ever start making "safe music".....ha! That just would not be right! :-)

Thanks for the well wishes Tristyn and all the very best to you and your music!

over 30 days ago

yea true, dont worry i wont be going all one direction just yet lol

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Haha! Cheers, and looking forward to your next sweet lolly!:-)

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

Tristyn - just read your entry and applaud you for speaking out. we are on the world wide internet, and as such, can become subject of cretons (not to be confused with crutons which actual have good taste).

exercise you option as a member to address and request ignorant reviews be removed.

meantime, please do not stop reviewing. your voice is needed and amongst your peers, most welcome and respected.

as to "professional reviewers": my experience is they are sometimes, if not often, subjective. as artists, we must understand who our audience is, what they like, how they think, before we expect any different from them. at least, that is my thoughts to share with you.

please allow me to repeat, your voice as both artist and reviewer is appreciated by so many more that you have encountered on the 'Dark Side' of Broadjam.

CHEERS my Good Friend. . .

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

So Peter, you obviously belive that the peer review process is a worthwhile endeavor. I had lost the will to review, d/t my own experiences with the cretons, to which you refer. I hear you saying that the majority of we peers, are objective and kind, and can make a positive difference? Also that we can have negative reviews, removed? I didn't know that was possible, but that does seem right; appreciate your perspective!

Thanks for your information.........and CHEERS!

over 30 days ago

cheers peter. yeah i,ll probably carry on. i wouldn't get any reviews removed they would have to be nasty for that and none are. just poor., i wouldn't mind blocking a few though lol
i guess we should all keep rockin and rolling with the

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

Hey Tristyn and everyone else. Yep some time get reviews that are poorly reviewed by individuals whom put very little time into it and who simply lack in their musical knowledge to offer constructive feedback.
Ignore them mate I like you, offer my best feedback and always keep it positive. So yes it can be frustrating. But listen, you are truly talented and I love your work man just focus on that. This is a cool community of people and there are good people here who appreciate your feedback and will provide you the same in return.
Seriously rise above it bro, we would be poorer community here without your input and your music. Rock on....

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

spot on Eric. . .

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Hi and welcome! !!.just took a listen to your songs!!..great sounding productions and vocals:)..really enjoyed " listen" love the beat, lyrics and vocals.......blessings. .......Julia :)

2 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

Thanks Julie appreciate your comments all the best to you Regards Eric

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Surely! !:)

Thx so much for the 5-star on Atrophy! It was my first track ever..come a long way since then! Plz check out my other tracks when you can & I will do the same :) ~GP

1 Replies
Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago

No worries really like it will check out your work take care Eric

Eric Keepa
over 30 days ago to joannecooper7035478

Hi Joanne just listened to Blue Skies and perfect friends, great songs well done and all the best. Cheers Eric

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