
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Jonathan Gross

Gross is a sincere, thoughtful artist, and I've seen him live in multiple line-ups. He takes his performances seriously, but always graciously and always humbly.
Oh yes, he also plays some damn fine music--standards and originals.

Sandra Hosgood
over 30 days ago to Jonathan Gross

Thanks for the awful review maybe you shouldn`t review music if you have nothing nice to say...

Three Eyed Shmelts
over 30 days ago to Jonathan Gross

Mr. Gross ..........Thanks for taking the time to review my song "The Prophet and the Writer". Having said that, I think giving anyone an "8" on an original piece of music they've written is ABSURD!!!
James Milewski

1 Replies
Jonathan Gross
over 30 days ago

yes, the number system is weird and doesn't mean Anything. I hope the comments were helpful. Hope they weren't too critical. I think I listened to this song last night and liked it but since we're asked to provide "feedback" that inevitably comes across as negative. Noone can take away someone's talent though and if the song is ever sold and played then you can always laugh at the fools who critiqued your work unfairly and gave 8s. I sometimes feel weird using good, better, best as a way of evaluating songs. That's even worse than the numbes because it is comparative rather than individualistic.

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