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Thanks for the detailed review of One Step at a Time...there is an intent to seem deliberate in the caught it...maybe I am too step at a time:-) All the best, Peace,
Joe, recently took some photos at an apple orchard and couldn't resist goofing around a little. I sing baritone - high bass. Sounds like you might too, if it's your voice on the recordings. Anyway, keep up the good work and thanks for the excellent review of "Time Travel!" Liam
hey liam--you sing tenor-or bass--what an apple--glad to see you having more fun than aloud!--cheers--joe
Hey Liam, Thanks for the review of my song, "Judas Spy". Yeah, the guitar volume was down until the end. The sound guy must have been Bogarting a joint. There is an album version at my site, .... check it out. It comes from my album, "Time Loop". Keep on plucking. Best, Chet Nichols
Liam thanks for your review on Axinosdream
thanks so much for your fine review and kind words on "Tragedy". Much appreciated. best, Jay