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I Need Your Help! Nov. 2024 ... I have a favor to ask! .... My music has been nominated for a Native American Music Award! The song title is "Spirit Horses~Chief Joseph" by Linda Mckenzie in the category of "Best Americana Recording". Here's where you can vote (and support an indie artist): VOTE HERE: https://www.nativeamericanmusicawar (You must select 1 person in each category, slide all the way to the end and hit "DONE" for your vote to be counted!) A POST (post from my FB page) with more background on the song is here: eyVrEksG/ You Can Listen to my song "Spirit Horses~Chief Joseph" here: https://nativeamericanmusicawards.c om/track/3880847/spirit-horses-chie f-joseph-linda-mckenzie I appreciate you guys!
Love your sound, your songs and your productions Al ... I could listen to you all day long, never gets old.
Thanks so much Linda. That's very kind of you. Any songs in particular? I've become very forward in my old age. Working on my own album (never done one before) I've contacted Bob Clearmountain to see if he'll mix one of my songs. The nerve lol!
2/21/23 Excited to soon be able to let the world hear the story of Chief Joseph in song .... recording vocals next week ... and blessed to have Kenny L. Lewis (of the Steve Miller Band) producing and playing on this record! Fly like an Eagle!
To a fellow Leonard Arnold friend. I Love this song, Linda
Hi Paul, yes Leonard was a keeper! Glad you enjoyed this song! I like it too!
Just Uploaded "Missing" ... a year long project song I think you'll like
In the studio recording a new blues tune next week! Excited!
Roy, Thanks for putting my song "I'm Lookin' at You" on your pop playlist! Much appreciated.
Clark, Thanks for being a member. I really love the "pop" groove of that song. All the best, Roy
My most sincere sense of gratitude towards you Mr. Elkins for adding my song " Spirit Of The Great Gray Wolf" to your New Age 2019 playlist. Many Blessings.
Hi Roy, glad you are enjoying my blues tunes and thanks for the playlist add. I am recording a new song next week called "Cowgirl with a Blues Bone" ... if that tips you off to the genre any! (its about a girl's love for her horse ... since her man ain't acting right)
Well ... been absent so long. . . the internet is such a distraction right? Stoping in to see whats up with everyone.
Linda, "It's A God Thing" Indeed ... Wonderful Song, Production And Performances ... More Than Anything, Deeply Moved By The Description & Story Behind The Song ... Best Wishes For Wherever Faith, Life & The Music May Lead You ... J Nelson K
Just posted up a cover tune "Friend of the Devil" .. check er' out!
Love your songs
Hey thanks! Looks like you're from Aukland NZ. I'm just visiting there now. Down for my nephew's wedding.
I enjoyed listening to your "Rescue Me" Al....
Thanks Linda! Did that one when I was just a puppy lol!
Looking for pics of military men (2 shots: 1 with their mother as a young boy or child, and the other in their military capacity or uniform) to be used in an upcoming video production on song entitled "A Son With A Gun" ... please submit your photos!
Go sis Go
You Can Help Me! By Voting for my band! 1
Ok just released "La La Land" and so far I've had 66 listens on ! Wow!
video in production this week (in Oklahoma) on "Thank You Mom" ... a pro-life message song .... listen here .... 1
Adorable, reggae groove!!!" La la land" took me back to Jamaica;))) !!!
Just Put Up A New Song Called "La La Land" with a Reggae kind of feel ... listen here and let me know your comments. This is a demo (not a finished master). 1
Hey you songsters & music nuts, this song "Thank You Mom", has been making some people move & shake! To the point, you may be seeing some snappy news soon regarding this song which is quickly becoming a "project" with it's message.... now that's all I can say here without giving it all away ... Listen here: 1 Written about the miracle of life from the perspective of the "almost aborted child" when his teenage mom (by a prayer) decides to have the child. The song is sung from the perspective of the hild after he is grown, thank his mother for giving him the opportunity to live and become "me".
I have this on my " top song" playlist!! Beautiful song!!!!! With a beautiful, touching message!!... Thank you:)))
Thank you Julia ... a video is forthcoming!
Hey, Its Mardi Gras in Nashville, TN today! If yall are near, you outta go downtown ... 3 stages .... free bands ...3-1-14 starts 12 noon til 10 PM ish P.S. Here's my song about New Orleans: This is the link to Linda Mckenzie's "dat's New Orleans" song: 1
Just Finished writing a brand New Song about "Music" ... one that I can barely play, but once I learn it, it's gonna be the bomb. I think I'm better at the lyrics, but on this song, I was challenging myself on the musical side as well .... hearing parts in my head (musically) that I can't play easily on guitar... and honestly, I even heard piano parts ... but I don't play piano, so that's not happening in this life today. I will stick with trying to learn the guitar parts that my head instructed me to play. Does anybody know where music comes from? Really?
It comes from the Almighty for me!:))Puts it into my heart and soul then into my mind to be able to share it with others':)just comes from within.... But of course is different for everyone!!!:))
Challenge is good!! Keep at it!!:)))
new song yall ... check it out .... 1
Feel like puttin up another blues song... (just cuz they are my fav!^~!)... so here comes a fun one to play and sing called "Doin' Time"
New Duet ... Listen to "ON MY MIND" ... you're gonna love it!
Great song!!!:))
Thanks Julia!
Wow! " Thank you mom" is beautiful, a tearjerker... What a gorgeous song about" choosing life"!!!! Thank you for sharing this song !! Looking forward to listening to many more!! God Bless.. Julia:)
The vocals were amazing!! A definite Luke Bryan vibe!!!:)
Thank you Julia, your comments mean a lot to me.
Surely!!!! Great music:))
Cooped up in a wintery blizzard for 2 days, so what cha gonna do but write a new song? A new one cropped out over the last couple of days through the winter "chill" .... and it definitely has it's "folk roots" showing. I saw somewhere that folk music was coming back into vogue? Well if it ain't so, I'm ready for the next wave! The song is called "College Heart" and has a ton of melody & words. It's funny how you can write a song and then you have to spend time learning how to sing it! I pulled out my 12 string for this one and wow I forgot how cool those things can sound! I will brush up on the performance of the song and put it out here for your critique (after I become more fluent playing & singing it). I think you may like it!
New song upload on 1-14-2014 ... check out "Automatic Fool" .... oh say it ain't so!
Uploading a new ("old") song here in a few called "Automatic Fool" ... about caring for the wrong one .... no ones ever done that have they?
I'm wondering what software is the easiest to learn to use in making a home-made video of one of my original songs (using still pictures , , , cuz moving pictures might be a little harder to start out with). Any advice is helpful!
Hey, Broadjam's vendors are picking some of my music for sync licensing. So I'm trying to encourage you other songwriters to submit you stuff! Somebody's gotta make the songs for the movies & TV ... why not you n me?