
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Wow! What a song. Thank you Mike!

over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Love this artisit!

over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Hi Mike, Excellent news that 'Unbelievable' has hit the top 10 of Rock/Religious. As I've said before, it's a fine song. Can still imagine Cliff Richard singing it.
Regards Wayne (Groomhill)

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Mike, Got a kick out of RESET, which I was on 9/11. But was even more moved by the angelic voice of April Windsor on ALL BEFORE YOU. Having just collaborated with Jim Pearson on NO MORE, I know what it is like to have someone do your own song better than you can, and I thank God for it! Since we have mutual pals and callings, I am sending you a Friend Request. I believe you are one of the few people who could understand my song ON THIS DAY, and how Hope springs eternal, like the voice of an April breeze. - Nick

Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago to Matthew Stemme

Hey Matthew,
Thanks so much for your positive review of my song "Unbelievable." Right now I'm enjoying your song "Ten Thousand Miles," nice work!

1 Replies
Matthew Stemme
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mike!
Looks like we're neighbors! I am an associate pastor at NorthPark Community Church in Valencia. Your church is blessed to have you!

Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Thanks for the very positive and thoughtful review of my song "The Love Lives On." I was a little taken aback when I saw the word "schmaltzy" in there but it's actually a positive thing in the way you meant it. Thanks again and best of luck to you.

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

I will listen to the tune more. I really liked it musically and on the lyrical meaning level too.

Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago to Peter Grose

Hi Peter, Thanks for your review of my song "The Love Lives On." Best of luck to you!

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Mike, thank you for such a kind review of my song 'Unforgivable"

1 Replies
Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, really nice tune!

over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Hi Mike, Thanks for the review of 'I Got Sunshine' (or should it be Cloud 9)? Much appreciated, especially the positive comments and suggested areas to look at. By the way, just played 'Unbelievable'. Really well delivered (and excellent vocals) and catchy song - could imagine Cliff Richard wanting to record this. Regards, Groomhill

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Hello Mike, thanks for taking the time to review She Still Sings. Guess what, I am from Van Nuys, went to St. Elisabeth's catholic school. Small world! Mrs. Kate Carpenter,

1 Replies
Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago

Wow, who knew that Van Nuys was such a hotbed of Christian songwriters! Blessings on your music ministry!

Mike Renneker
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

My new CD "Reset" is out. Most of the "Reset" songs are on my Broadjam profile. If you want to hear clips, go the th CD Baby link at:

1 Replies
Joseph Harter Jr
over 30 days ago

MIKE! You caught that slip on the timing in "Spy Kitty"... aggggh! I was hoping no one would catch that! I was struggling with my own riff, while recording that, and did not notice till I mixed it.......Thanks for your very nice review though bro! YAWEH LIVES!

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Hey Mike, just wanted to thank you for the review of Anyone. Very thoughtful consideration on the production and arrangement of the song - taken to heart. Thanks for the constructive feedback! I get a lot of reviews on this song and just wanted to say the line you liked "you paint the future with one brush stroke at a time... on my own I struggle to stay between the lines" made me smile as well that you picked up on the concept that God is methodical and not get caught up in the "well, he could paint a million strokes at a time if he wanted to" banter. Your suggestions on improving the song were very well stated and I appreciate that. Take care.

Prejippie Music Group
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Really appreciated your review of our song "Let Him In." Very honest and thoughtful. Thank you.

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