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funk me horny great title great tune really enjoyed it1
Thanks Stefo. Likewise, I enjoyed listening to your 2 tracks. Very nice voice you have. Cheers, Serge
Is there no end to your versatility .... listen to several of your songs ... all different ... all well done!!!
Wow! That is so nice to hear, thank you. I didn't know anyone listened to my stuff. I heard your material too. Very nice and clear sounding recordings. Pretty songs. Nicely done. Thanks again, Serge
Hi Roy, I often find it difficult to submit songs to opportunities due to the lack of information in the description. In general, most posts seem to be too vague in their description. Is this carelessness from the opportunity provider, or simply a questionable post? Thanks, Serge
MS, Thanks for your thoughts. Many of our providers have multiple projects and may submit more general descriptions.....And many are libraries looking to expand their catalog as well.....There have been times in the past where we contacted the provider and asked them for more detail. With that said, we have seen success with these as well.....If you see something specific that you need more information on, feel free to contact us and we'll do what we can.....Hope this helps. Best, Roy
Thanks Roy! The lack of info makes me question how serious or legitimate the provider is sometimes. Maybe I'm just old school.../:-). Thanks for your input. Cheers, Serge
Serge, Thanks again. Many providers are just looking for good stuff and sometimes more general descriptions will bring them a wider variety. I do wish all descriptions were more detailed, but also understand their desire to review a wider range of material......BTW: I'm a member of that same school. LOL....All the best to you, Roy
Thanks again for your time! Best, Serge
punk police--pretty cool--lots of energy--yeeee haw!! go daddy go--i love it--cheers--joe.
Hey Joe, thanx a lot. You are my first comment ever. You too have some pretty recordings. All the best in all your projects. Cheers, Serge
keep on truckin my friend--the music highway is a really long one--cheers--joe.